‘Tracker’ Season 2 Episode 13 Recap: “Neptune”

Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Recap
Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Recap
Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw and Oliver Rice as Logan in ‘Tracker’ season 2 episode 13 (Photo: Darko Sikman © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.)

A man patiently waits for his wife to try on a dress in an upscale Manhattan store, only to discover she’s vanished on CBS’s Tracker season two episode 13. He begins to panic after discovering her purse and phone are still in the dressing room.

Velma (Abby McEnany) rings Colter (Justin Hartley) with details on the case, including that there’s a $20,000 reward. Colter’s close by and meets with the missing woman’s husband, Logan (Oliver Rice). He confirmed he called the police, but they seemed to assume Clare just ditched him. This is unlike her, and no one on social media has heard from her.

They check out the store for any clues the cops overlooked. Logan is an aeronautics researcher and often works on weekends. His wife dragged him to lunch and they went window shopping. It’s totally random that he convinced her to pop in and try on a dress.

Logan insists their relationship is fine and they haven’t been fighting. He believes someone took her, and Colter inspects the alley behind the store for clues. As he’s opening garbage bins, Logan reveals Clare disappeared once when they were first dating. That time had to do with her brother, who has substance abuse problems, needing her help.

As they’re talking, Logan gets an alert on his phone that someone’s breaking into his place.
By the time they arrive, the person’s gone. There are a few signs of someone being there, but the cash and jewelry in the dresser are still there. Colter looks around and discovers Clare’s work laptop is missing. Whoever broke in tried to make it look like a robbery.

They watch the video from Logan’s interior security camera, and Colter notes that whoever broke in used a signal jammer. That’s unusual, and Colter decides his next stop will be Clare’s work.

Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Recap
Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw in ‘Tracker’ season 2 episode 13 (Photo: Darko Sikman © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.)

Colter walks through SLD Publishing and discovers a dead body not far from the main entrance. Colter discovers four more bodies, all recently executed, in their cubicles. Colter calls Randy (Chris Lee), who’s still subbing in for Bobby, and both are quickly convinced this isn’t a publishing company. The company’s website looks suspicious, and Colter realizes SLD’s a front for some government agency. Randy warns Colter this is much more dangerous than a simple missing person’s case.

Colter spots a staff photo, and Randy confirms the website shows seven employees. Five are dead, Clare’s missing, so who is the seventh person? Randy texts a list of the employees with photos, and the missing person is Eileen Turner, listed as Editor-in-Chief.

Randy uses Colter’s phone hooked into the computer to access Eileen’s files. They pull up Clare’s file and it’s full of voice recordings. The most recent recording reveals that Clare was an agent tasked with identifying an “anomaly” for a secret organization. Clare confirms others have been read into the case.

Colter’s forced to disconnect when SLD’s front door opens. Two men wearing hazmat suits enter and start cleaning up the bodies. They’re well-armed, so they’re definitely not janitors. Colter texts Randy, telling him he needs him to create a distraction. One of the men begins wiping the computers clean as Randy remotely sets off the fire alarm. That allows Colter to escape unnoticed.

Colter fills Logan in on his wife’s real occupation. Logan had no idea his wife is a spy. They met on a flight two years ago, and Logan confirms she travels a lot to conventions. Colter breaks the news that Logan doesn’t really know his wife.

Colter had suggested that Logan spend the night at a hotel, and as they’re talking, Logan answers the hotel room door. It’s not room service. The call’s disconnected, and when Colter calls back, it goes straight to voicemail.

Meanwhile, Randy calls Reenie with details on Colter’s current case. Randy’s obviously worried, and now Reenie is too. He hopes Reenie can use her government contacts to find out what Colter’s gotten mixed up in. Randy will keep digging while Reenie asks around.

Suddenly, Randy’s computer starts scrolling through files. Someone’s hacked into his system!

Colter enters Logan’s hotel suite and spots his phone on the floor just inside the door. Logan’s gone, nothing seems disturbed, and his laptop is open on the desk. The hotel room’s phone rings and a disguised voice says they know who Colter is. Colter scans the room for cameras as the caller demands he stop working on this case. The caller orders him to walk away.

Reenie calls with an update on what she’s found. SLD appears to be a covert counter-terrorism agency within the Department of Defense. She advises Colter to quit the job immediately.

Colter follows a man delivering room service through the hotel’s employee area and spots Clare (Alvina August) heading into the parking garage. He runs after her, gun drawn, and scans the nearly empty lot. He sees a phone on the ground, and Clare, also armed, emerges from behind a car. Colter disarms her and introduces himself, explaining that her husband hired him. Clare reveals that Eileen, her section chief, told her they’d been compromised. Eileen had a car waiting for her outside the dress store, and they were going dark.

She wasn’t allowed to tell Logan anything. Clare doesn’t know what’s going on, but the agency controls cloaked satellites. It’s high-level surveillance meant to keep the country safe. Eileen sent her to a safe house, but then Clare pieced it all together. Someone in her office was selling information, and Clare realized it was Eileen. She went to the office but was too late. Clare believes Eileen needs something from her or else she’d be dead too.

Eileen must have had Logan kidnapped to use him as leverage. Eileen reports to Deputy Director Bartholomew, but Clare’s not sure if she can trust him. Just then, Eileen texts wanting to meet at 7pm. Eileen wants to find Logan, but Colter thinks she should go to the meeting. He’ll work on finding Logan.

Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Recap
Gabrielle Rose as Eileen Turner and Alvina August as Clare in ‘Tracker’ season 2 episode 13 (Photo: Darko Sikman © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc)

Colter has Randy ready to track Logan’s location while Eileen meets Clare at a restaurant. Clare has her phone hidden next to her so that Randy and Colter can listen in. Eileen confirms she saved Clare’s life, and if she had stayed at the safe house, she would have let her live.

Eileen reveals she needs Clare’s help repositioning the satellite. (It’s a two-person job.) Clare gets Eileen to admit she did this for money and that five people are dead because of what she did. If Clare wants Logan back, she’ll help with the satellite.

Clare demands proof of life, which is what Colter and Randy need. At that exact second, Colter’s approached on the street by a man selling tickets to his magic show. Fortunately, Randy is able to get Logan’s location, despite the interruption. When Colter approaches their table, Clare and Eileen have already left. Randy reminds Colter that Eileen is going to kill Clare as soon as she gets what she wants.

Logan’s kicking the closet door where he’s being held, pissing off the men as they watch a soccer game. Cleaner #1 (Brahm Taylor) checks on Logan and warns him to stay quiet or else. As he closes the closet door, Colter attacks him from behind. The man’s cries are muffled, but Cleaner #2 ( Michael Adamthwaite) hears a thud and goes to check on his partner-in-crime.

Colter cuts Logan free, but Cleaner #2 unleashes a hail of bullets. Logan’s hit but will live, and Colter is able to kill their attacker. After checking on Logan, Colter takes off to help Clare.

Clare and Eileen return to SLD and access the satellite system secured in a safe. Eileen enters her identification, and Clare steps up to enter hers. She deliberately types the wrong authentication code twice. Eileen puts a gun to her head and threatens to kill Logan if Clare makes a mistake again.

Clare delays following Eileen’s orders for as long as possible but ultimately must do as asked. The chime from the elevator gets their attention, and Clare manages to disarm Eileen. Colter rushes in and asks Clare not to kill Eileen; they need to find out who she’s working with. Clare makes the right choice and knocks Eileen out.

Case closed, Reenie calls and reveals Eileen’s boss thanked Colter for his service. They’re not sure if that’s meant to be reassuring or a warning, but Colter expects a visit at some point. Reenie suggests he take in a Broadway show before he leaves, and Colter shocks her by admitting he already has tickets to the musical Six. He jokes that he’s broadening his horizons.

Colter meets with Logan and gets the reward check. Logan admits he doesn’t answer Clare’s calls since he no longer trusts her. Clare has lied about everything. Colter reminds him Clare risked her life to save him. He also reveals Clare gave him a note to give to Logan. It reads:
“Logan, I’m sorry about everything. I love you. I’ll be waiting in Fiji.”

The post ‘Tracker’ Season 2 Episode 13 Recap: “Neptune” appeared first on ShowbizJunkies.

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