Paramount+’s 1923 season two episode four barely moves the needle, with Spencer still far from Bozeman. Things at the Yellowstone still look dire, despite good news from Elizabeth. Alex would be justified in regretting her journey to America, and far too much time is being spent on Donald Whitfield’s sexual proclivities. Season two is halfway over. Will Spencer and Alex reunite before the season wraps up? It’s not looking good for the newlyweds/parents-to-be.
Here’s a detailed recap of 1923 season two episode four, filled with spoilers. You’ve been warned!
Donald Whitfield (Timothy Dalton) easily convinces his wealthy friends to invest in Montana’s burgeoning tourism industry. Whitfield is confident that flights into Bozeman, followed by a push to get the state to pave the road through Paradise Valley, will make a winter park resort a veritable cash cow. He believes the state will go along once he convinces them of the tax revenue stream. Whitfield informs his wealthy buddies that the buy-in is 100,000 per share. They agree to his proposal and are all in.
Banner (Jerome Flynn) quietly reminds Whitfield the proposed resort is located on Jacob Dutton’s land. Whitfield tells him it’s time to build the army and take out the Duttons.
Later, after speaking with his wife and getting the go-ahead to do whatever’s necessary to take care of their family, Banner tells Whitfield he’s got 35 men ready to fight. Plus, miners will join the war against the Duttons.
However, Banner’s still unsure how they’ll explain the killing to the law and outsiders. Whitfield shows him a county map of Montana and Wyoming. He points out a small county on the border that has no residents, no cops, and no private land. The government owns the land. All these factors make it an ideal location for disposing of deceased bodies. (Is this the “train station” the Duttons will use for generations to come?)
Banner wants to see this place, and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. One of Whitfield’s prostitutes accidentally killed the other prostitute, and Whitfield asks Banner to dump the body at the border location. (This whole S&M storyline is unnecessary, so I’m going to continue to gloss over it in my recaps.)

Alexandra Survives a Devastating Attack
Alexandra (Julia Schlaepfer) is brutally attacked in a Grand Central Station toilet. Her attacker leaves her bruised and bloodied after stealing her money and the expensive bracelet her friend gave her.
She comes to just as the train she’s supposed to board is about to leave the station. Alex grabs her possessions that have been scattered around and races for the train heading to Boston. It’s pulling out just as she reaches the terminal, and she’s told it’s too late. Alex doesn’t give up. She runs and desperately leaps onto the train.
Stares from the upper-class passengers greet her, and she ignores them as she walks through the cars looking bedraggled. Fortunately, the thug did not steal her ticket. Unfortunately, she’s sharing her sleeper with a mom and her young children. When the woman asks what happened, Alex says she was robbed. Her attacker took everything.

The Duttons Finally Get Some Good News
As Elsa’s voice-over says, spring brings hope that’s quickly dashed by more snow. Cara (Helen Mirren) watches as the men build a fence around the main house. Inside, Jack (Darren Mann) and Jacob (Harrison Ford) build a small wooden apparatus that will hold Zane (Brian Geraghty) still while Dr. Miller (Mark Daneri) drills into his head.
Dr. Miller’s never performed the operation before, but it’s Zane’s only hope of recovering from his debilitating injury. Zane’s sedated with chloroform, but Mr. Miller warns that he’s not sure how long it will last.
Jack gags as Dr. Miller cuts into Zane’s skull, echoing the reaction of viewers. He begins the drilling, and Zane screams out in pain. Jack and Jacob manage to hold him still as Dr. Miller confirms the worst part of the operation is over. They loosen the straps and turn Zane’s head sideways while Dr. Miller inserts a tube to suction out the blood. Jack gags again as the blood flows out. Zane can feel the pressure being relieved, and Dr. Miller removes a large clot.
Dr. Miller dresses the wound with bandages before asking Zane to try and sit. Zane sits up, shocked to find that the drill site hurts, but the pressure has vanished. No longer dizzy, Zane is overcome with emotion when he realizes he’ll be able to walk again.
He takes a few steps, and the nausea and dizziness don’t return. Zane turns to Jacob and asks, “Are we going after them for what they done to us?” Jacob assures him they are.
After Zane leaves, both Jack and Dr. Miller confess they didn’t have much faith this would work. Dr. Miller takes a well-deserved swig from his flask.
Jack tells Elizabeth (Michelle Randolph) the great news, but she kicks him out of their room. She has nothing left to say unless he’s willing to leave with her for Boston.
Zane walks outside and into the arms of his wife, Alice (Joy Osmanski). They head inside to rest as Cara informs Jacob that Elizabeth wants to go home. She’s tried talking to Elizabeth, but nothing’s gotten through to her. Jacob volunteers to try, and Cara says okay, even though she teases that if anyone could make it worse, it would be him.
Jacob attempts to comfort Elizabeth, assuring her this winter has been one of the hardest to live through. Elizabeth says Jack chose the Yellowstone over her, but Jacob reminds her Jack would never leave right now, given their ranch and way of life are under attack. Jack believes leaving now would be abandoning his family.
Jacob suggests she visit her family in Boston for a while and come back after the winter’s over. Cara interrupts because it’s time for Elizabeth’s shot, and Elizabeth thanks Jacob for understanding. She tells Cara she’ll administer the shot herself. Immediately after injecting the dose, she doubles over in pain. Cara rushes off to fetch Dr. Miller, who’s thankfully still around cleaning up before returning to town.
A short while later, Elizabeth emerges from her room and tells Cara she’s better than all right. Dr. Miller informs Cara that Elizabeth is pregnant! Fortunately, the rabies vaccine won’t interfere with the pregnancy.
Jacob and Cara watch from the porch as Jack and Elizabeth have a happy reunion outside in the field. Jacob believes he’s responsible for this change in their relationship and that his pep talk worked miracles.
“It turns out I know more about women than you give me credit for,” says Jacob. Cara replies, “It is your complete ignorance on the mind of a woman that is the cornerstone of our marriage. Without it, I would have left you decades ago.”
Still, Cara allows him to believe this is all his doing for a few minutes until Jack screams out, “She’s going to have a baby!” Cara laughs as Jacob is forced to accept that his wife is correct.

Spencer’s Troubles Compound When He Hops a Train
Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) is in the middle of nowhere, walking to the train station when Sheriff Hastings from Ft. Worth pulls up. Spencer hands over his ID and confirms he was a soldier and is carrying a rifle. He’s forced to provide Hastings with a brief rundown of his recent travels, but Hastings doesn’t really care. He orders Spencer to take a seat in the 1920s version of a squad car, and Spencer admits the place he left isn’t the place he’s going back to. Hastings brings up the shootout that happened yesterday, and only then does Spencer realize just how much trouble he’s in.
Hastings reveals “that Italian boy” was a talker. Spencer swears he didn’t have much choice in helping transport booze. None of that matters, as Hastings and his fellow officers have a plan. They want Spencer to drive the truck to the previously arranged delivery location, with an officer riding shotgun.
The other police cars stay out of sight until Spencer pulls up to a warehouse’s delivery ramp. The cops start firing at the bootleggers, and Spencer is handcuffed to the steering wheel to prevent him from leaving. Of course, the handcuffs barely slow Spencer down. He shoots through the chain and crashes the truck into the police blockade. Spencer takes off running toward the train tracks as Hastings gives chase. He manages to jump into a train car without being noticed by Hastings.
Unfortunately, the car’s three other occupants aren’t very welcoming. The strangers, referred to as “tramps” in the 1920s, demand payment for the “train tax” in the form of food or money. Spencer claims to have neither and unsheathes his rifle. The leader warns that since trains rock a man to sleep, they’ll just wait to attack until Spencer nods off.
As the hours pass and night descends, Spencer continues to keep vigil over the trio. Unfortunately, he can’t help himself and nods off. The tramps swing into action. They approach Spencer, and the girl places a knife to his neck while the man in charge attempts to carefully take the rifle out of his hands.
Spencer jerks awake when the gun moves. He kills the leader, but the others attack. Spencer shoots the male before knocking out the girl holding the knife. He tosses his belongings from the train and follows them off. He follows the tracks, aware they’re headed west but unsure of his current location.

Teonna Learns About the Bounty on Her Head
The cowboys round up the strays and send them down into the valley where Teonna (Aminah Nieves), Pete (Jeremy Gauna), and Runs His Horse (Michael Spears) are waiting. The three join the cowboys and the larger herd that’s heading toward the stockyard.
Once there, Teonna’s group is invited to the chuckwagon for a meal. Everything’s going great until Teonna notices wanted flyers with her face on them plastered all around the fairgrounds.
- 1923 Season 1 Episode 8 “Nothing Left to Lose” Finale Recap
- 1923 Season 2 Episode 1 “The Killing Season” Recap
- 1923 Season 2 Episode 2 “The Rapist is Winter” Recap
- 1923 Season 2 Episode 3 “Wrap Thee in Terror” Recap
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