ABC’s High Potential episode seven, the fall finale, is set on Yes Day. What’s that? It’s the day when Morgan (Kaitlin Olson) has to say yes to Ava’s plans on how to spend her day of work at the LAPD. One of the items on the list is visiting her mom’s work and while she pets a dog, Tom (JD Pardo) confirms Morgan’s number on the window written in orange chips dust was illegible. They flirt as he jokes that wound up calling an elderly woman on accident.
Ava (Amirah J) is shocked her mom doesn’t have a desk while everyone else does. Just as Ava’s taking a restroom break, a woman takes Lt. Melon (Garret Dillahunt) hostage and warns everyone not to move. She claims a nearby box is a bomb, and that there are others hidden throughout the station. When an officer makes a move, it’s revealed the woman has an accomplice who easily disarms the cop. They demand everyone’s phones and weapons and order Detective Daphne Forrester (Javicia Leslie) to evacuate the building. Only the people in the room can stay.
After shooting the security cameras, they reveal they’re there to free an innocent man accused of murder and want the cops to find the real killer. Nobody will be released alive unless they find the real murderer. Daphne and Morgan exchange looks when Lt. Melon claims he’s their best detective.
Lt. Selena Solo (Judy Reyes) and Detectives Adam Karadec (Daniel Sunjata) and Oz Osman (Deniz Akdeniz) weren’t in the room, so they gather in the nerve center with SWAT. Selena believes there are about a dozen people, mostly Major Crimes personnel, being held hostage. SWAT has the exits covered.
The hostage takers are identified as Army Staff Sergeant Brooke Kirkman and Sergeant Jeremy Davis. They don’t have criminal records and served together in the Army. Currently, they don’t have eyes on the Major Crimes bullpen and don’t know how they got explosives into the building.
Lt. Melon is forced to read a statement in a call to Lt. Solo. Brooke and Jeremy claim Staff Sergeant Logan Hanson is an innocent man, and if the LAPD doesn’t make it right, the hostages will die. Selena orders Detective Lavallee, who worked Hanson’s case, brought in. (Selena doesn’t believe Lavallee got it wrong.)
Lavallee reveals Hanson’s locked up, and the DA expects him to get 25 to life for killing Frank Webber. Lavallee goes over the case with the detectives, explaining Frank Webber was a retired Master Sergeant who was teaching at Los Alamitos. He trained generations of soldiers before being murdered with his own gun inside his RV. The weapon was recovered and had prints matching Logan’s. Plus, the gun had traces of acetone which Logan was using in a home remodeling project.
Witnesses placed Logan and Frank together at a bar the night before his death. They seemed tense, according to a bartender.
Lt. Melon reads from the transcript of Logan’s interrogation in which Logan claimed he was home with his girlfriend, Brooke. Lavallee tells Selena and the team that Brooke confirmed that, and that Logan was up for a coveted overseas post but turned it down. Or it’s possible Frank denied Logan the post and Logan reacted by killing him.
Selena points out that Logan and Frank went to the shooting range, and Logan claimed that’s why his prints are on the gun. The SWAT leader believes the delusional hostage takers will probably need to be taken out since they won’t listen to reason.
Back in Major Crimes, Lt. Melon says Lavallee did a thorough job. Everything points to Logan. Brooke and Jeremy demand that Melon try again, and of course, Morgan speaks up. She believes something’s missing. Morgan points out the blood splatter has a perfect corner, meaning something was there but was moved before the cops arrived. It could be a piece of paper or something, and Morgan is allowed to call Adam for help. First, she asks about his Yes Day and Adam immediately realizes Ava’s not with Morgan. Selena has the cops look for her outside.
Morgan asks Adam to go into Frank’s RV and look for a paper. Adam opens Frank’s laptop and sees the last thing he printed was DD form 458. Brooke says that’s a form to bring a soldier before a military tribunal. He was going to write up a soldier, which would result in a discharge.
Brooke claims Logan was a model soldier, so it couldn’t be him.

Suddenly, Jeremy realizes there’s someone else there and forces Ava to stand up at gunpoint. Morgan rushes to hug Ava which puts Davis on high alert. Tom inserts himself into the situation, sticking up for Morgan. The confrontation is incredibly tense, but Brooke de-escalates it by having Morgan and Ava sit down.
Adam asks Frank’s daughter, Lauren, if he mentioned a soldier he needed to write up. Lauren reveals her dad was like a father to the men and would never have mentioned anything to her or other outsiders. Lauren normally had dinner with her dad on Mondays, but he canceled the night before he was murdered. He didn’t tell her why he couldn’t make it.
Adam calls with the update and that Frank’s phone in the evidence box might tell them where he went Monday night. Morgan reports Frank looked up an address near Pershing Square at 5:47pm. It’s not a good area of town, which is out of character. 40 minutes later, he looked up the address of a private detox center, even though he didn’t drink or take drugs.
It appears he picked up someone and took them to rehab. Later that night, he tried to call his daughter, but the call didn’t go through. Lauren confirms she turns off her phone when she’s sleeping. Selena has Oz look up the records of soldiers Frank was training for prior drug charges.
Adam calls the detox facility, but they won’t give him any info, even though the person who checked in is likely a murderer. Oz calls the DA for help, while back in the Major Crimes bullpen Jeremy is coming apart. Brooke tries to calm him down and warns her cohort to stick to the plan.
Jeremy is certain the cops are planning something…and he’s right. Lt. Melon charges him and goes for his gun, as Brooke screams for everyone to freeze. She holds up the detonator as Tom leaps into action, helping Melon. A shot rings out and Tom screams, holding his leg.
SWAT wants to go in but Adam resists, unwilling to take a chance on the bomb going off. SWAT’s able to lower a camera from the roof, and they can see Tom on the floor, not moving. Selena’s about to give the order to go in when Tom moves.
Morgan and Daphne work on bandaging Tom’s thigh wound. The bullet hit an artery, and they need to keep him from bleeding out. Tom’s in nursing school and knows he needs to elevate his leg. Brooke brings over a box, reminding her partner no one gets killed if they cooperate.
Adam tells Selena he wants to canvass bodegas around the rehab. Maybe someone saw a 6’ tall guy with a military haircut coming in for coffee and/or cigarettes on the morning Frank was murdered.
Tom’s condition is worsening, and Morgan tells Brooke that if he doesn’t get medical attention in the next 15 minutes, he’ll go into shock and die. She explained that she learned that while taking thousands of first aid classes before Ava was born. Morgan has figured out that Brooke is pregnant and that’s why Logan didn’t take the overseas assignment. Jeremy is shocked to hear this and thinks everyone has lied to him. Brooke confirms she and Logan are trying to have a baby.

Adam found a clerk who remembers seeing a blonde man matching that description at 8:36am. Security footage got a look at him and Adam forwards a photo. The face is obscured by a hat, but Oz notices he’s wearing a field jacket. He could be someone Brooke or Jeremy know.
Selena sends the photo and Jeremy’s furious it’s so blurry. Jeremy slams down the phone, convinced the cops will never get to the truth. Brooke tries to talk him down, reminding him that Logan saved his life. Morgan swears she won’t stop investigating, but they must get Tom to a hospital now.
Brooke orders Ava to walk Tom out, and Ava’s scared to death to leave her mom. Morgan assures her she’s very strong and she wouldn’t ask her to do something she couldn’t do. She also promises her daughter that she’ll survive this.
Brooke and Jeremy argue over their next step, with Jeremy convinced Brooke’s getting soft. Morgan suddenly realizes Frank’s phone has no incoming calls or texts. How did he know where to go to pick someone up? Morgan remembers she saw a receipt that Frank bought an air tag two weeks ago. He wanted to confirm the soldier he knew was doing drugs and saw that the tag went to a sketchy place where drugs are sold.
Frank must have slipped the tag onto the guy and tracked it. Jeremy doesn’t know how this helps, and Morgan points out the killer might still have the tag on him. The app shows the tag was on Frank’s RV on the date and time of Frank’s murder. Right now, it shows the tag is at the residence of Ben Spoelstra. Ben is an Army reserve private on temporary duty at Los Alamitos.
Ben leaves his house and Adam leads a team of cops to his current location. Ben’s placed under arrest with drugs and the tag in his possession. Brooke’s relieved that Logan will be set free, but Jeremy reacts by knocking her out from behind.
Jeremy grabs the detonator and orders Daphne to call Lt. Solo and demand a deal or else he’ll blow the place up. Morgan calmly says, “No he won’t.” Since 1991, all plastic explosives manufacturers must include a detection taggant. The dogs he and Brooke walked past this morning didn’t detect it, so it can’t be real. Jeremy claims Brooke built the bomb and didn’t include that, but Morgan’s certain a woman trying to get pregnant would never handle the necessary toxic chemicals. Plus, no one just carries a package to the fourth floor without being stopped. That means the empty, folded box was in her backpack, and she didn’t put it together until she went to the restroom on this floor.
Brooke comes to and confirms Morgan is correct. She apologizes to Jeremy for lying to him just as Daphne goes for Jeremy’s gun. They struggle and Jeremy pushes the detonator multiple times without anything happening.
Morgan reunites with Ava outside, assuring her she’s fine and asking for a Yes Day rain check. Brooke apologizes to Morgan and Morgan says she’s happy Logan has been set free. However, she doesn’t forgive Brooke for putting Ava in danger.
Tom’s happily eating pudding when Morgan pops into his hospital room for a little flirting.
Morgan is greeted at work the next day by a huge round of applause. She goes around shaking hands and getting congratulated before they reveal she’s earned her own desk. Lt. Melon still won’t tell her she did a good job but promises to stop calling her the cleaning lady. (Take the win, Morgan.)
The season one fall finale ends with Morgan perched on Adam’s desk and admitting she’ll probably never sit at hers.
- High Potential Season 1 Episode 1 Recap
- High Potential Season 1 Episode 2 “Dancers in the Dark” Recap
- High Potential Season 1 Episode 3 “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” Recap
- High Potential Season 1 Episode 4 “Survival Mode” Recap
- High Potential Season 1 Episode 5 “Croaked” Recap
- High Potential Season 1 Episode 6 “Hangover” Recap
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