Paramount+’s Mayor of Kingstown season three episode eight starts off with a literal bang. Merle Callahan and a few of his Aryan Brotherhood thugs are on landscape duty when someone tosses grenades over the wall. That’s followed by gunfire. When the dust settles, three ABs and one guard have been killed.
(Reminder, this is a recap so there are more spoilers ahead!)
Kevin Jackson, Bunny’s guard on the inside, is in on the attack and signaled to the shooter that Callahan and his men were in the yard. The attack failed to kill Callahan, but left him injured and unconscious.
The prison tries to reach Warden Kareem Moore (Michael Beach), but he refuses to pick up his phone. His daughter is having a difficult time dealing with everything her dad went through, and he and his wife try to work out the best options to help her. Kareem swears he’ll make this right. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t be worse.
Mike (Jeremy Renner), however, immediately picks up the phone when Carney (Lane Garrison) calls about the attack. When he arrives at the prison, Stevie confirms the guard was killed by a high-powered rifle fired from a distance. Ian’s deep in the beginning stages of the investigation but Mike demands his attention. Ian joins him with news the sniper was at least 500 yards away, and Mike realizes the weapon was military grade. That means Bunny’s behind it.
Mike provides Ian (Hugh Dillon) with the address of Bunny’s gun supplier, and Ian promises to hit it hard.
Tracy arrives at work to discover Cherry is unconscious after apparently trying to kill herself. Meanwhile, Kyle catches a quick breakfast at a diner. He and the owner have a brief discussion about guns; she carries one and it’s saved her twice. Kyle wanted Tracy to get one, but she refused. (Given recent events he doesn’t know about, it might be time to ask her again.)
Mike takes time out of the Bunny situation to check in with Iris (Emma Laird). He really wants her to leave town. Unfortunately, their conversation’s cut short when Konstantin (Yorick van Wageningen) arrives outside Iris’s motel not far from where Mike’s parked. Mike pulls away before Konstantin sees him.
Konstantin confesses he’s having horrible dreams and worries the busload of dead women might have stirred up bad memories for Iris. His goal is the same as Mike’s although he doesn’t know it. They both want her to leave town and start a new life. Konstantin will provide the financial means to leave, and he promises to get out of her life.
“I can’t leave you. I’m not ready,” says Iris. She adds, “I’m loyal to you.”
Konstantin genuinely seems to want what’s best for Iris, even if it means she’s free of his influence.
Mike visits Callahan at the prison hospital and the AB leader blames the attack on Mike’s alliance with Bunny. Mike didn’t hit Bunny like Callahan wanted, so now he wants Bunny and the Crips dead. Mike lies and insists the attack couldn’t have been the Crips because of the military-grade weapons. It had to have been the Russians. He suggests Callahan take his target off Bunny and put it on Konstantin.
Mike promises to end Konstantin on Callahan’s behalf. He also says he’ll take care of Bunny.
Speaking of Bunny (Tobi Bamtefa), he’s at Raphael’s house watching over his family as promised. Bunny’s all smiles when Trey gets home from school. They chat about school but then the talk turns serious, with Bunny assuring Trey that he’s always on his dad’s mind. Raph needs him to be strong now. Bunny is moving Trey and Roe someplace safer because it’s too dangerous on the streets.
Over at Konstantin’s boat, the Russian mobster remains certain the Crips are responsible for the bus plunging off the bridge. Callahan’s men show up unexpectedly and interrupt the discussion with news that Callahan was injured in an attack. They’re there for an unscheduled exchange of money for drugs, and Konstantin agrees but wants to make a toast to Callahan first. Konstantin refers to Callahan as their “fallen” leader. He’s quickly reminded Callahan isn’t dead.
Konstantin is only feigning hospitality. He’s angry they barged onto his boat and shoots one of the men. He forces the other man (who urinated on himself) to carry his dead buddy back outside, with a Russian escort of course.
After it’s over, Iris calls Mike to tell him Konstantin just shot an Aryan. Mike’s elated about the news, and Iris says Konstantin’s cracking. He’s even snorting coke for breakfast now. Mike thinks Iris should take Konstantin up on his offer to set her up somewhere away from Kingstown. But Iris isn’t done just yet.
Callahan is informed Konstantin shot one of his guys and let one live to report back. The news that Konstantin personally shot an AB changes Callahan’s mind, and he’s now all in on taking down the Russians. (Just like Mike planned.)
Back at the prison, Warden Moore suggests that Kevin Jackson take tomorrow off. But first, he wants to hear exactly what went down. Kareem also says he’ll find someone for Kevin to talk to if he needs help dealing with what he saw. Kevin doesn’t seem affected by what went down, probably because he was in on it.
Kevin calls Bunny about the attack, claiming it went down perfectly. Bunny’s not happy Callahan is still breathing, but Kevin reminds him that at least the AB leader’s segregated from his men. Kevin’s ordered to stay alert and be prepared for the next opportunity to take out Callahan. Bunny also orders him to try and place the blame on the Russians and away from the Crips.

Mike’s actually in his office when Tracy (Nishi Munshi) stops by. She hasn’t told Kyle about being threatened by her co-worker, but she opens up to Mike that she thinks the guards are raping inmates. Tracy describes what happened to Cherry Maxwell, and Mike doesn’t have much sympathy since she murdered a guard. Tracy reminds him that Miriam never gave up on anyone, including Cherry.
Mike asks for the guard’s name, and Tracy is certain it was CO William Breen. She won’t say how she knows, and Mike suddenly realizes something happened to her. Mike asks if William touched her, and Tracy doesn’t reply. Instead, she exhales shakily. Mike will handle this himself and doesn’t want her to tell Kyle.
Mike meets up with Ian and asks Ian to stop him from hurting someone.
Ian arrives at the packed bar where the cops hang out and asks for a quick word with William Breen. William doesn’t know Ian and Ian introduces himself as a homicide cop. They step outside and Mike mostly lets his fists do the talking. He orders William to agree to transfer to Anchor Bay while he continues punching him in the face. Mike’s on the verge of killing him when Ian finally pulls him away.
Konstantin’s right-hand man, Roman, assures his boss he has everything set up for Iris to leave. Konstantin will pay whatever it costs to make sure Iris is safe. Roman joins Iris for a little coke and tells her to accept what Konstantin offered. Iris claims she feels like she’s in the right place now, which, according to Roman, is exactly why she should leave. Iris wonders why Konstantin always brings up Milo and learns it’s because Konstantin believes Tatiana warned him about the hit. That’s why Konstantin killed Tatiana. Iris snorts another line as she considers what she just learned.
Meanwhile, Callahan’s condition worsens. He’s experiencing abdominal pain and vomits blood but doesn’t call for a nurse.

SWAT arrives at Bunny’s gun supplier’s warehouse, but it’s completely cleaned out. Robert (Hamish Allan-Headley) believes Mike tipped off Bunny, even though it was Mike who gave Ian the tip in the first place. Kyle (Taylor Handley) disagrees, but Robert’s still furious the Crips beat him up and that Mike still sides with Bunny.
Robert loses control and won’t back down when Kyle tells him to stand down. Robert shoves Kyle when Kyle insists he’s only behaving this way because he’s not completely healed. Kyle says everyone knows Robert isn’t himself right now.
Stevie (Derek Webster) calls Mike and Ian with an update on the empty warehouse. He suggests Mike should talk to Kyle since he and Robert just got into it. After he hangs up, Ian accuses Mike of knowing it would be empty. Mike doesn’t think it matters. What’s important is that Bunny knows KPD is after him.
Episode five ends with Ian shocked that Mike’s actually smiling about all this.
(The episode is dedicated to the loving memory of Jude Dillon, Hugh’s big brother who passed away earlier this year.)
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