Buckle up, #TeamBlack. Queen Rhaenyra pulled off a few power moves in House of the Dragon season two episode six, with more on the way. Prince Regent Aemond continued to take full advantage of his temporary title, Prince Daemon finally received good news, and Seasmoke re-entered the plotline in a major way.
Warning: This recap contains episode six spoilers. You’ve been warned.
House Lannister’s army, led by Lord Jason Lannister (Jefferson Hall), is greeted by Lord Lefford of the Golden Tooth. Lord Lannister has over a thousand men, plus lions, and assures Lefford they will turn the Red Fork red. House Lefford’s army is ready to join them, but Lannister isn’t prepared to enter the war just yet. He orders a raven to be sent to his brother at King’s Landing, informing him he will march as soon as Vhagar joins them for battle.
Until then, all the Lannister men (and lions) will shelter at Golden Tooth.
Prince Regent Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) is furious when he receives the summons, addressing his small council and Ser Tyland Lannister (also Jefferson Hall) in particular. Ser Tyland points out Daemon’s dragon is at Harrenhal, and, therefore, it’s not out of line to ask for one of their own. Aemond won’t be ordered to do anything by anyone, and commands Tyland tell his brother to march to Harrenhal now.
Aemond ignores Queen Dowager Alicent (Olivia Cooke) when she speaks and instead orders Ser Tyland to make an alliance with the Triarchy. Ser Tyland’s stunned. No one treats with the Free Cities. But Aemond insists the Triarchy will join them as they’d like nothing more than to battle the Sea Snake. That will weaken the blockade.
Alicent is allowed to speak and reminds her son the Triarchy can’t be trusted. She wonders if they’ve heard from the Greyjoys and is told the Red Kraken hasn’t replied. Alicent vetoes the idea of offering Greyjoy her hand in marriage in exchange for his army. Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) agrees with Alicent, which earns him a reminder he needs to set march to Harrenhal. Hundreds of Criston’s men died at Rook’s Rest, and he doesn’t have enough to take on Daemon. However, Aemond believes delaying an advance on the Riverlands gives Daemon time to build his forces.
“Lannister will march from the West. Take what strength we have and force Daemon and his Riverlords to fight on two fronts,” orders Aemond. He assures Criston that he and Vhagar will join them when the time is right. He’s looking forward to battling his uncle.
The meeting ends, and Daemon has Alicent remain behind. He relieves her of her spot on the small council, suggesting she should find other ways to spend her days. (You reap what you sow, Alicent.)

At Dragonstone, Lord Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint) has accepted the position of Queen Rhaenyra’s Hand. Her council assembles and Ser Steffon Darklyn is brought before the table. With Jace’s nod of encouragement, Queen Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) informs the council that she has dragons but lacks dragonriders for Vermithor, Silverwing, and Seasmoke. Lady Rhaena hasn’t bonded with a dragon, and her youngest sons are still babes. Her research shows that the Darklyns and the Targaryens have common blood. Ser Steffon’s grandmother’s grandmother was a Targaryen princess. Therefore, it’s possible he could be a dragonrider.
Ser Steffon is deeply honored to be considered as a possible dragonrider. Ser Steffon believes dragons are gods and understands that if a dragon doesn’t accept him, it could mean death. He’s sworn himself to Queen Rhaenyra and is willing to die a fiery death if it comes to that.
Rhaenyra and Jace (Harry Collett) watch and wait as the dragonkeepers stand with Ser Darklyn and sing, enticing Seasmoke to join them. The rider-less dragon does, and his presence is intimidating, but Ser Steffon stands his ground as the keepers give him instructions on what to say. It seems to be working as Seasmoke settles down near where Ser Darklyn’s standing. He slowly approaches the side of the dragon, and it doesn’t leave. Ser Darklyn believes the dragon’s accepted him, and of course, that’s when the dragon lets loose a fiery breath. Ser Darklyn is engulfed in flames and dies.
Lord Corlys returns to Driftmark and inspects his ship at the docks. He spots Alyn (Abubakar Salim) and asks that he sail with him as his first mate. Alyn doesn’t accept the position, insisting there are better men for the job. Lord Corlys doesn’t take no for an answer, certain Alyn can handle the job.
Later, Alyn’s brother, Addam (Clinton Liberty), can’t believe his brother isn’t jumping at the opportunity to serve as Lord Corlys’ first mate. He wonders if Alyn ever thinks about the wealth that could be theirs – including the Driftwood Throne – if Lord Corlys openly accepted them as his sons. “The Sea Snake would sooner have High Tide claimed by the sea than call us his sons,” says Alyn.
Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s plan to stir discontent among the smallfolk at King’s Landing is going well. Food is scarce and a madame tells fellow patrons in a tavern that the Red Keep has plenty of food and wine. They’re sparing no expense, throwing parties with whores celebrating Prince Regent Aemond. They’re feasting on racks of lambs and pies, while their people starve. Ulf Tom Bennett) is among the patrons and he agrees that it’s not fair. It wouldn’t have happened if King Viserys was alive or if Rhaenyra sat on the Iron Throne.

Back at Dragonstone, Lord Bartimos oversteps his position and suggests Queen Rhaenyra has made mistakes. In response, Rhaenyra slaps him, reminding him that she’s someone to be feared.
Mysaria (Sonoya Mizuno) joins Queen Rhaenyra and assures her Ser Steffon’s death was worth the risk. Rhaenyra doubts herself but Mysaria believes they are on the right path. Although Ser Darkyln was the most likely to succeed, Rhaenyra agrees that she’ll look again. Mysaria delivers the good news that the smallfolks’ anger toward the usurper is building. Their plan will enter the next stage tonight, and Rhaenyra’s certain the escalation will be met with force at Aemond’s command.
The smallfolk can’t topple the king, but they can keep him partially distracted from war abroad.
Turning our attention to King’s Landing, the food’s gone when Hugh’s wife makes it to the front of the line. A cart full of sheep to be fed to the dragons goes by and riles up the smallfolk. The dragons will be fed yet the people go without meat.
Lord Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) informs Prince Regent Aemond that the townsfolk are restless and hungry. Aemond blames it on Rhaenyra’s blockade, but Larys reminds him the people of King’s Landing look to the Red Keep for food and supplies. Larys, in his usual slimy way, hints that he should be named Aemond’s Hand. Aemond hates flatterers and lickspittles, which describes Larys to a T. Larys mistakenly believes Aemond offers him the position, but what the Prince Regent wants is for Larys to send word to Ser Otto Hightower. He will name Ser Otto his Hand.
Grand Maester Orwyle (Kurt Egyiawan) reports King Aegon has regained consciousness and might live, which prompts Aemond to pay his brother a visit. Aegon’s agitated in his brother’s presence and claims to remember nothing of the battle that led to his injuries. Aemond deliberately places a stone ball from the council into Aegon’s hand and then presses both into his brother’s wound. He leans in and kisses his forehead but is stopped from whatever else he had planned by the arrival of the Grand Maester.
Lady Rhaena (Phoebe Campbell) suddenly stops as she’s walking around outside the Eyrie. The field is burned to a crisp by dragon fire, which doesn’t make any sense. She returns to the Eyrie, and Lady Jeyne Arryn (Amanda Collin) informs her that Prince Reggio is happy to host her and Rhaenyra’s young sons in Pentos. Rhaena doesn’t react to the news and instead asks why she didn’t tell her there’s a dragon in the Vale. Lady Arryn reveals it’s a large wild dragon without a rider. She changes the subject back to transportation to Pentos as Rhaena stares at a dragon figurine.
Jace admires his mother for attempting to find a dragonrider. He wonders what Lord Bartimos did that deserved a slap, and Rhaenyra explains she needs to be seen as a ruler. Jace asks if she’ll lead them to war herself, and Rhaenyra believes it’s the only option. She can’t wait at Dragonstone and do nothing. Lord Mooton has been directed to march on Rook’s Rest and she’s reaching out to the Vale again. Jace believes no matter how many allies they amass, they can’t match the Greens’ armies. They need Daemon and his dragon.
Rhaenyra’s angry over the mention of Daemon, but Mysaria’s arrival and the news that their “gift” was sent calms her down. And over at King’s Landing, the smallfolk are on the receiving end of the gift. Rhaenyra had multiple small boats sent packed with food and bearing the Targaryen banner.
Grand Maester Orwyle confirms Aegon’s recovery will be slow. Alicent wonders if her father’s responded to her letters, and the Grand Maester says he hasn’t but that there’s now war in the Reach. House Beesbury is fighting the Hightower army in revenge for Lord Beesbury’s death.
Alicent holds Aegon’s hand and tells him she’s sorry. A short while later, she says goodbye to her brother, Ser Gwayne, before he rides out with Ser Criston. Gwayne also hasn’t heard from their father.
After the men ride out, Alicent invites Queen Helaena to join her in lighting a candle for Aegon.
Word of Rhaenyra’s gift spreads among the townsfolk and they rush to the shore to retrieve whatever items of food they can get their hands on. Hugh’s looking at the empty stalls when his fellow citizens return from the shore with armloads of food. They run through the streets carrying bags, and fights begin to break out as people strip others of their food. Hugh (Kieran Bew) even knocks someone down and steals their bag of food.
Alicent and Queen Helaena are lighting candles for Aegon when the Kingsguard informs them they have to leave. By the time they step outside, angry townsfolk have gathered and throw fruit, calling Alicent the “Queen of Fishes.” More food is tossed as shouts of “Long live Queen Rhaenyra!” ring out. Swords are unsheathed as the guards try to protect the queens as they make their way to the wheelhouse (carriage). One man’s arm is chopped off and Alicent orders them to sheathe their swords, but they don’t listen as the mob overtakes the guards. A few continue to stay with the queens while others are trapped and beaten. Alicent and Helaena make it into the wheelhouse and are surrounded again. The guards manage to ride through the crowd and return the women to the Red Keep.
Lord Larys withholds milk of the poppy from King Aegon as he describes Aegon’s condition. Even when he heals, only his mind will retain its full use. Aegon will be like Layrs, pitied and stared at. Larys believes Aegon will be underestimated and that’s something Aegon can use. He also thinks Aegon’s life is in danger as long as Aemond rules. Aegon manages to ask Larys for help as he cries in pain and frustration.
Meanwhile, Seasmoke has made his way to Driftmark and is sending the people of Spicetown running for cover. The dragon focuses on Addam, flying over him and soaring above the trees as Addam runs through the woods. Addam takes a tumble and Seasmoke lands in front of him. Addam and the dragon stare into each other’s eyes, with just a matter of feet separating them.
Back at Dragonstone, Mysaria informs Rhaenyra the gift has had its desired effect. They discuss Daemon, and Rhaenyra admits he was everything she wanted to be while she was living the life Daemon wanted. She confesses her fear that he turned against her. Now that she’s lost Daemon, that means she only has Syrax and two young dragons. It’s not enough to take on Vhagar. Rhaenyra’s thankful she has Mysaria when everyone else is doubting her.
Mysaria reveals her father raped her as a child and that she got pregnant. When the pregnancy was discovered, she was badly butchered. She was also left for dead and vowed never to trust anyone. That changed when Rhaenyra treated her as worthy and valued her as a person. Mysaria believes Rhaenyra is meant to be queen.
They hug, and slowly, the embrace turns into passionate kissing. They only separate when a guard informs them that Seasmoke went to Spicetown and now has a rider. They assume it’s the Greens, and Rhaenyra quickly mounts Syrax to find out for herself.

Daemon Continues to Be Plagued by Visions at Harrenhal
Prince Daemon (Matt Smith), who now considers himself a king, has a vision of his deceased brother, King Viserys. In the vision, Daemon relives events immediately after Viserys’ wife, Aemma, and infant son’s deaths. His brother’s seated on the Iron Throne, chastising him for saying “heir for a day” and for not being at his side and instead spending time in brothels. Daemon’s been disloyal and for that, he’s being sent back to Runestone.
Viserys cries and Daemon makes like he’s going to comfort him but doesn’t. Instead, he tries to escape the throne room, but the door won’t open. When it does, Ser Strong (Sir Simon Russell Beale) is on the other side and Daemon immediately blames him for his restless nights filled with horrible visions. He places a knife to Ser Strong’s face, accusing him of being an agent of the Hightowers. Or maybe he’s colluding with Rhaenyra.
Daemon’s just this side of madness as he tells Ser Strong to stop watching him. Later, he approaches Harrenhal’s gate with his bags packed. Alys (Gayle Rankin) is in the courtyard and Daemon admits he believes someone poisoned him or else there’s something in the air affecting him. Either way, he needs to leave. Alys thinks it’s the ghost of Harren the Black, and that’s enough to enrage Daemon. He’s done with her witchy ways, but Alys hits the mark when she lists all the places he’s run from when he doesn’t get his way.
Alys believes they’re all just pieces on the board. He calms down and confesses that Rhaenyra never wanted the crown. Alys knows that’s why King Viserys gave it to her, noting that Viserys didn’t want it either. He asks for her advice in dealing with the Riverlords and she explains that while House Tully isn’t the largest house in the Riverlands, it’s the most stable. If it weren’t for Lord Tully, the Riverlords would kill each other. Daemon admits he can’t do anything while Lord Tully lives. Alys tells him to wait three days and the winds will shift.
Daemon’s next vision is of joining Viserys beside Queen Aemma’s body. He holds Viserys as he sobs and promises to be there for him. He comes out of the vision when Ser Strong informs him Lord Tully is dead and Oscar Tully is now Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. His death came right after Alys Rivers tried to “help” him. Daemon smiles at the news and then sobs.
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