‘Tracker’ Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: “Missoula”

Tracker Episode 2
Tracker Episode 2
Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw and Wendy Crewson as Mary Dove Shaw in ‘Tracker’ episode 2 (Photo: Ed Araquel © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc)

Despite following the longest Super Bowl in history, CBS’s Tracker debuted to huge numbers (18.4 million viewers). The network hopes those viewers stick around for the entire season as the show settles into its Sundays at 9pm ET/PT time slot with episode two.

And now on to a recap of episode two, “Missoula,” which aired on February 18, 2024. Spoilers ahead – you’ve been warned!

Colter’s mom, Mary, discovers an ominous post-it note in her living room that reads, “I’m watching you.” She also discovers the door to a building on her property has had its lock broken, and papers are strewn about inside.

Mary immediately calls Colter (Justin Hartley), and he arrives later that evening. He and his mom walk through his dad’s office and nothing’s missing. At this point, she thinks she overreacted and it was just random kids. Apparently, there have been reports of break-ins in the area.

Mary apologizes and turns down his suggestion to install cameras. She doesn’t need Colter to stick around, and when Teddi (Robin Weigert) calls with a job in Montana, she all but pushes him out the door. The subject of the new case is Jackson Cheong, a 27-year-old accountant in Missoula. His parents, Mark and Eden, posted the reward.

Colter speaks with the parents and learns Jackson is shy and recently became involved with a woman named Rebecca Smith, who’s 20 years his senior. Jackson suddenly quit his job, left his apartment, and emptied his bank accounts, and his mom is frantic. Plus, they can’t find anything on Rebecca online.

Eden explains her son changed after becoming involved with Rebecca. He looked exhausted the last time they saw him, and he told his parents he could get in trouble if anyone learns what he’s doing to help Rebecca. Mark suspects he’s helping Rebecca launder money.

Bobby’s search for Rebecca Smith is underway, and he hasn’t come up with any facial recognition matches that go with that name. But a Rebecca Pendergast’s mug shot matches the photo Colter got from Jackson’s parents. She was arrested for insurance, mail fraud, and tax evasion, but the charges were dropped.

Tracker Episode 2 Recap
Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw in ‘Tracker’ episode 2 (Photo: Michael Courtney © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc)

Jackson took out a life insurance policy and named Rebecca the beneficiary, and Colter thinks she’s a con artist. He visits the address on the policy, but no one answers the door. Screaming in the garage gets his attention and he kicks open the door, stunned by what’s inside. There’s a desk with two huge monitors and what looks like a dozen streaming surveillance videos. One video clearly shows Jackson working at a desk.

Two security guys show up and Colter gets into a fistfight, taking one down. However, Colter’s no match for the one holding a gun. Colter explains he’s on a missing person case and looking for Jackson Cheong. The name doesn’t ring a bell with the security guys, and Colter, realizing they aren’t going to call the cops, drives off.

Colter admits to being worried about this case in a call to Teddi, describing Rebecca’s setup and hired goons. He’s not sure what to think yet and needs more answers, so he follows the security team. They lead him to a building that houses Positive Light, an organization dedicated to creating “a new world, a new you,” according to its posters.

Colter stands at the back of a crowded meeting room as Rebecca introduces the group’s leader, Seth, to a round of applause. The security guard fills Rebecca in on Colter, and Rebecca tells Seth about Colter – who in turn points him out to the attendees.

Rebecca exits the building and speeds out of the parking lot. Colter’s not fast enough to follow her.

Colter meets with Jackson’s parents and explains Jackson’s caught up in a cult. They’ve separated Jackson from his former life and loved ones to isolate him. Colter can’t get him out if he doesn’t want to leave. However, he won’t give up on the case yet.

Colter tasks Teddi and Velma (Abby McEnany) with digging up anything they can on Positive Light before he visits their headquarters.

Tracker Episode 2
Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw and Stefanie von Pfetten as Rebecca in ‘Tracker’ episode 2 (Photo: Michael Courtney © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.)

The following day, he makes it to their main complex, which resembles a large camp. Rebecca claims Jackson isn’t being kept against his will and has found a home with them. His financial skills are being put to good use.

Colter will be allowed to meet with Jackson, but first, he needs to meet with Seth. They video the encounter, and Seth attempts to get inside Colter’s head by revealing they’ve done their research on Colter and know about his family – including his father’s death. Colter doesn’t open up, but Seth claims he can read the pain in his face.

The bizarre meeting concludes, and Colter’s allowed to visit Jackson. After Colter leaves the meeting room, Seth assures Rebecca that Jackson is one of theirs. But if Colter does influence him, then Colter will need to die.

Colter speaks to Bobby before meeting with Jackson and confirms that, yes, Positive Light is super weird. There’s nothing negative about them online, but many lawsuits were settled or dropped. Bobby also discovered David Grassley, the financial guy Positive Light used before Jackson, is dead. He died in a hit-and-run accident, and the driver was never identified. David’s wife thinks the cops screwed up the investigation on purpose. However, she eventually moved to southern Wyoming and stopped discussing the case.

Colter believes Velma and Teddi should pay her a visit.

Tracker Episode 2
Donald Heng as Jackson Cheong and Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw in ‘Tracker’ episode 2 (Photo: Michael Courtney © 2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc)

Jackson speaks with Colter and claims he’s happy and not going home. Jackson says that when Seth looks at him, he feels free of everything that holds him back. Colter asks if Seth or Rebecca are ever mean, and Jackson doesn’t give him a straight answer. Colter hands him his business card and tells him to reach out if he ever needs to talk.

Later, Colter receives a text from Jackson arranging a meetup at the delivery entrance at 8pm. But instead of Jackson, Rebecca and her security guys meet Colter at the gate. She claims Jackson is currently at a healing retreat and that she’s the one who texted Colter – not Jackson. Rebecca warns him that if he continues this investigation, they’ll be forced to defend themselves.

Colter fills Velma and Teddi in on Jackson’s importance to the group and that they won’t let him go without a fight. Velma and Teddi met with David’s widow and learned he tried to leave after discovering Rebecca and Seth were draining their followers’ bank accounts. The widow is sure that they killed him.

David’s widow knows Seth has photos of the hit-and-run and even a video because Seth and Rebecca filmed everything. The evidence is kept in Seth’s office at the instructional center. Velma says the files of everyone Seth’s ever met are in that office.

Seth showed the widow the photos to keep her quiet, and Velma and Teddi found her credible.

Colter’s forced to hang up because he’s being followed. His tail doesn’t even attempt to blend in, and Colter finally has had enough. He suddenly brakes and leaps out of his truck. Holding the driver at gunpoint, Colter demands to be driven to Seth’s office. Once there, Colter locks his reluctant driver in the trunk of his own car.

Colter discovers David Grassley’s folder, and the photos of the hit-and-run are inside it. The stills are from a dashcam video and show David being hit and then thrown onto the car’s hood. Colter calls Teddi, confirms he has the photos, and then asks her to send the cops to his location.

Colter also discovers a folder and video labeled Rebecca Pendergast. He puts it in his backpack and then spots his own folder and video. A noise gets his attention and he draws his gun, following the sound upstairs. He discovers Jackson and shows him photos of David Grassley’s murder; Jackson had no idea they killed his predecessor.

Jackson doesn’t recognize the name Rebecca Pendergast so Colter shows him her video. And, speak of the devil, Rebecca shows up with her gun pointed at Colter. She announces that security is on the way as Seth appears and reminds Colter this is his second time breaking and entering. Colter says the cops are already on the way as Seth warns that charges will be pressed this time.

Jackson’s upset that Rebecca lied to him and calls her and Seth shameless, selfish murderers. Jackson tosses the folder at Rebecca and then tackles her as Colter, Seth, and the security guy go for Rebecca’s fallen gun. Colter throws the security guy out the window and pulls his gun, warning Seth to stop reaching for Rebecca’s.

The cops arrive, and Seth and Rebecca are taken away in handcuffs.

Colter delivers Jackson to his parents, assuring him he’ll be fine. He also reminds Jackson that he has people who really love him.

Before driving away, Colter pauses for a minute and looks at his own folder. He closes it quickly and then drives off.

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