Yellowstone finally returned for the second half of season five with episode nine, “Desire Is All You Need,” airing on November 10, 2024. Episode nine delivers a body blow in its first few minutes, answering the most pressing lingering question regarding a key character.
But first, a very brief refresher of the Dutton family drama. Season five’s first half ended with Beth (Kelly Reilly) learning about the “train station” and the family’s practice of burying their enemies from Jamie (Wes Bentley). That revelation threw a monkey wrench into Beth’s blackmail plans and led to a conversation with her dad about eliminating their Jamie problem once and for all. Coincidentally, Jamie has also landed on the idea of doing away with his adopted dad, asking his girlfriend if she knows someone who can do the job.
All this goes down as Rip (Cole Hauser) and a small crew leave town to move the cattle to Texas. The finale also disclosed why Rip is so loyal to the ranch and John Dutton. As a teenager, Rip killed a cowboy who insulted Beth. John revealed the existence of the train station and helped Rip dispose of the body, which led to Rip earning the Yellowstone brand and committing to the ranch for life.
In other news, Monica (Kelsey Asbille) agreed to allow Kayce (Luke Grimes) to have a bigger role in running the ranch and to move into a house on the property.
(Episode nine spoilers ahead!)
Beth rushes to the governor’s house and is met with dozens of cops, crime scene tape, and helicopters circling overhead. Kayce joins her and she’s frantic because she just knows their dad is gone. Kayce barges through the police tape with Beth in tow. He’s met by an officer who warns him he doesn’t want to see this.
Blood is spattered on the wall and there’s a gun on the bathroom floor. Kayce can only shake his head in disbelief, and Beth has a look for herself. The way the gun is placed makes it appear to be a suicide, and a tech is checking his hand for gunshot residue.
Kayce struggles to hold it together while Beth sinks to her knees, racked with anguish. The siblings hug as Beth whispers, “It was Jamie.” Kayce warns her not to say anything until they get to the ranch.
Reporters inform us that John Dutton failed to show up for the first day of his impeachment trial. It now appears he’s dead.
Jamie receives a call informing him John Dutton died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Lynette Perry (Wendy Moniz) asks if he believes it, and Jamie pulls off his best acting job as he approaches the media to make a statement. As Attorney General, it’s his job to inform Montana that Governor John Dutton – he looks down and gets emotional as he adds, “My father” – has died.
Kayce and Beth listen as they drive back to the ranch. Beth demands to get out of the truck, enraged that Jamie not only killed their father but also killed his reputation, his legacy, and his memory by claiming it was a suicide. Kayce doesn’t want to believe it and Beth admits she needs her husband.
Beth calls Rip and says, “They killed him, baby. They f**king killed him.” Rip asks who, and Beth says her daddy. Rip confirms he’s on his way home and turns over the job of taking care of the cattle to Ryan.
After the credits roll, the action shifts back six weeks to Rip and the crew transporting their horses to Texas. Meanwhile, Beth is doing time on a road crew after getting into a brawl in a bar. She’s warned not to smoke, so of course, she lights up another one and then takes a drink from a flask. The guy in charge decides his best option is to let her off the hook and wrap up her community service at the end of the day.
Beth calls Rip with the good news that she can visit him earlier than expected. In typical Beth style, she describes what she will do to him when she arrives. Rip side-eyes Ryan (Ian Bohen), who admits he heard every word.

Tate, Kayce, and Monica move into their new (old) house on the ranch. It’s in a remote part of the property, which is Monica’s favorite thing about it. It needs fixing up, but she’s happy they have a place of their own. While she’s inside looking around, Kayce spots a wolf right outside.
Tate and Monica love it, and Kayce says it’s where they’re supposed to be.
Sarah Atwood (Dawn Olivieri) goes through a rigorous security process before meeting with Grant (that’s not his real name). He shows her surveillance video from Jamie’s house of her and Jamie having sex. Before they take on an assignment, they always cover all their bases. This shows Jamie’s in a compromising position, given that she’s working for the company suing Montana. Sarah confirms she understands this will be used if anything ever connects his company to John Dutton’s murder. They’ll make it appear that she and Jamie committed the murder.
The less she knows about the actual logistics, the better. However, the company believes suicide is the cleanest option. Sarah knows that doesn’t fit John’s background or personality, but Grant promises they’ll take care of everything. It will look feasible and legitimate.
Sarah’s payment’s gone through, and she gives him permission to execute their contract.
Rip, Ryan, Teeter, Walker (Ryan Bingham), and Jake (Jake Ream) pull into Dalhalt, Texas. Rip rings up Travis Wheatley (Taylor Sheridan) at the 6666 Ranch and is instructed where to head. Jimmy’s there watching the herd along with a bunch of cowboys, led by Kory.
Rip and the gang saddle up, and Kory gives them a warm Texas greeting, trading jokes about the difference between Montana and Texas weather. Rip apologizes for sending the cows ahead and Kory confirms the pastures are ready and teepees have been set up. Kory wonders if Rip would rather head 20 miles to sleep in a hotel, but Rip confesses they need to cut corners and save money in any way possible.
The 6666 cowboys help move the cattle, and Rip has a friendly reunion with Jimmy. Ryan and Jake offer their insults away from Jimmy’s ears, implying Jimmy isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
After herding the cattle into their new pastures, Rip’s offered the use of 6666’s bunkhouse but turns it down. He thinks his guys can handle teepees. As soon as Kory and Jimmy ride off, Teeter, Ryan and Walker return to tossing around insults. Rip’s heard enough and suggests they play a game. The rules: no one talks for a week.
Gator’s setting up his cook station and admits he’s worried about fire in this wind and the steaks going bad in the cooler. Rip heads off to get supplies while Teeter and the guys set up the teepees.

Back in Montana, Mo Brings Plenty and Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) head to the lake. They’ve been informed a pipeline will be drilled under it, and both are worried the pipeline will burst. If the pipeline explodes, it will poison their water and no one in the world will know or care. “This is the hill we die on. Right here,” says Thomas.
Lloyd works on a colt that needs taming as Carter asks what they’re supposed to do while the cows are gone. Colby (Denim Richards) orders Carter to join them in repairing the fences. Rip calls Lloyd to check in, and Lloyd reveals they’re all getting bored. He offers to send Rip more cowboys, but Rip wants them to stay at the ranch to keep the two-legged wolves away. Lloyd promises to keep an eye on Beth and ensure she’s safe.
Rip and the Yellowstone cowboys spend their first night in middle of nowhere Texas without a fire. Ryan’s bit by a scorpion that hurts like hell, and Walker picks up his guitar and asks for requests. Love songs are off the table, so it’s Walker’s choice. Rip brings the mood down even further by declaring that no one will be doing this in 30 years. All the beef will be imported from Brazil. Rip decides the best tune right now would be a sad song.
The action picks up again in Montana following John Dutton’s death. Jamie makes it home and busts open his door when his key doesn’t immediately work. He’s sobbing when Sarah greets him with drinks, wearing only lingerie. Jamie seems confused that she moved forward with hiring a hitman without reconfirming that’s what he wanted. Sarah asks who his tears are for, and Jamie says, “For me.” He claims his career and legacy are over; he believed John shot himself because of the impeachment hearing. Sarah orders him not to mourn a man who abandoned and mistreated him, reminding him that he won.
“Lions don’t die of old age. Lions die in the jaws of younger lions,” says Sarah. “This is your kingdom now.”
Over at the ranch, Beth and Kayce go through their dad’s papers. Tate’s the beneficiary of the trust, and Kayce is the executor. They discuss taxes, but Beth knows the bigger problem is Jamie will try to remove the conservation easement. Kayce doesn’t believe John committed suicide, and Beth is certain it’s Jamie. Kayce doesn’t believe that either, but Beth believes Jamie hired someone to do it – being too cowardly to do it himself.
Kayce knows there are cameras in the house, and Beth suggests he call the state police and ask about them since he’s also part of the state police as a member of the livestock commission. Kayce calls them on speaker phone and speaks with Dillard, the lead on the investigation. Dillard confirms there were powder burns on John’s hand and his fingerprints were on the gun. However, the transponder went down around 3:50am and knocked out all the cameras. The medical examiner believes John died at 3:53am, which is convenient, right?
Beth thinks the $80 million company that wanted to build on their land conspired with Jamie to kill their dad. “Go look him in the eye if you have to, Kayce. Look him in the eye and then come home and help me decide how to kill him,” says Beth.
Rip pulls up and Beth rushes into his arms and wails. Her grief is unbearable.
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