CBS’s Tracker season two episode seven confirms Colter Shaw is a dog person. While gassing up in Denver, Colter (Justin Hartley) stops a service station employee from using a broom on a hungry dog going through the garbage. Colter points out the dog isn’t a stray; he has a collar and leash.
The dog immediately responds when Colter says, “Sit,” and allows him to remove a thorn from his paw. According to his tag, the dog’s named Barkley. The tag also has his address. Colter snaps a photo of the address and promises to take him home after giving him plenty of head scritches.
Colter puts him in his truck and heads inside to pay. When he returns, he sees that someone has broken the rear passenger window and the dog is gone. He calls Velma (Abby McEnany) with info on what he’s up to, but there’s not much to go on. The security camera’s view was blocked, so there isn’t any video of who took the dog. Velma can’t find anyone online looking for Barkley, but she’ll keep looking.
Colter heads to Barkley’s address and finds that someone has broken the front door. A noise upstairs draws his attention, and he finds a mother and son tied up and gagged. The mom explains that when she got home from work last night, she went upstairs and then heard the front door being kicked in. She grabbed her gun, ran downstairs, and found a man pointing a gun at her son, Aiden. The man disarmed her and ordered them to cooperate.
She didn’t get a look at him because he was wearing a mask. He tied them up and left them. Aiden says the man stole Barkley, but they don’t know what else he may have taken. Colter doesn’t think this was a robbery; he believes the man was there just to steal Barkley.
The mom calls the cops and while they’re looking around, Aiden’s distress over Barkley is plain to see. Colter says he had a dog named Tuffy when he was a kid who wasn’t tough at all. (He loved to eat socks.) Aiden wonders what Colter does for a living, and Colter explains what a rewardist does. He’s never looked for a missing dog before, and Aiden offers him his birthday money – $187 – if he can find Barkley.
“You know what? That is exactly the amount of money it is to find Barkley. I will absolutely help you find that dog,” says Colter, who we could not love any more than we do right this minute.
Colter tells Detective Anderson how he got involved in this and offers to show the detective where the dog was last seen. The detective doesn’t seem to buy Colter’s theory that this was about the dog, and he asks Colter to clear out.
Colter asks the mother about Barkley and she reveals a man called yesterday about buying their dog. They adopted Barkley from a rescue shelter last year after her husband died. Colter explains her son hired him to find the dog, and he’s there to help. Colter spots the video game camera, and the mother confirms Aiden was online during the break-in.
Colter calls Bobby (Eric Graise) to break into the video game camera, and Bobby brings up footage from last night. He streams the footage to Colter’s cell phone, showing the masked man breaking in. Colter notices there’s a car key with a tag on it hanging from his pocket, and it turns out the tag belongs to a rental car company. Bobby discovers Max Miller was the last person to rent the car that goes with that tag.
Colter arrives at Max’s address and there are blood drops outside leading to the house. The door’s also kicked open and Colter looks around inside. He snaps a photo of a framed picture of Max posing with his fellow soldiers.
Suddenly, a man attacks Colter and Colter takes him down. He holds the man at gunpoint and orders him to explain what’s going on. Nate Riggins (Dylan Bruce) served with Max, and Colter says he’s just looking for the dog. Nate reveals Barkley was Max’s dog and when Max went to rehab last year, Nate put the dog in a rescue facility that would adopt him to a good home. Nate got a call from Max yesterday saying he needed to find his old dog. He wasn’t making any sense, and then Nate heard gunshots and the phone went dead.
Max has been living clean since he met his wife, Chelsea. Colter points out that someone broke down the door and there are signs of a struggle inside Max’s house. Plus, Max’s wife is missing. Nate offers to help, realizing what is going on is bad.
Colter stops for a second, then gives Nate his gun back.
Bobby says he looked at Max’s social media accounts and phone records. There’s nothing unusual and nothing to explain Max and Chelsea leaving their phones behind, or Max renting a car to steal Barkley. Colter remembers rental companies have GPS trackers and Bobby promises to investigate it.
Colter finds the word “Lawson” on a pad, and Nate says Lawson was a shady private contractor with access to archaeological statues worth a fortune. Nate told Max not to get involved, but he’s pretty sure Max was involved. Max even got called into the Department of Criminal Investigations (DCI) last year, and Nate reveals Max seemed nervous and wouldn’t talk about it.
Nate doesn’t know where Max would have stashed the statues. Colter notices there isn’t a shovel in the shed and checks the yard. There aren’t any fresh holes. Nate believes Max might have needed Barkley to help find the statues, if he forgot where he buried them. Barkley can find anything.

Bobby sends Colter the rental car’s location, and it’s fairly close to where Colter found Barkley. The car’s there, and Nate and Colter look around. Nate recognizes the location as where Max fishes and Colter spots a thorn that matches one he pulled from Barkley’s paw.
Colter heads down by the river and finds fresh shoe prints and paw prints. Suddenly, they hear barking and race toward the dog. Barkley’s tied to a tree, barking, and Max is digging. Max pulls a gun and tells Nate that Lawson has his wife.
Colter introduces himself and says he’s there to help. Max confesses he helped Lawson steal the statues back in Africa. Lawson got arrested and blamed Max. Last night, Lawson came to his house and took his wife, demanding the statues. Max doesn’t remember where they are and has been desperately looking for the statues. Max buried the statues to forget them because he never should have been involved with Lawson.
Max says Lawson will torture Chelsea if he doesn’t find the statues.
Reenie (Fiona Rene) meets with a DCI captain to learn more about Max. She knows Max served military ops in West Africa for a private contractor. Reenie explains that Max, Chelsea, and Barkley have gone missing, and the captain hands over a folder. David Lawson was a civilian who stole culturally sensitive rare artifacts and killed two guards. There’s no proof linking Max to the crime, and Lawson bribed his way out of prison two weeks ago. He’s wanted in the US for smuggling, armed robbery, and murder charges. The DCI isn’t investigating, but they alerted the State Department.
Reenie warns Colter about Lawson being a killer with “a history of extreme violence.”
Max’s digging produces results. He finds the statues, but Colter explains that’s not the end. Lawson won’t leave witnesses alive, and Colter wants to back him up with Nate’s help. Colter reminds Max this is all personal and that Lawson wants revenge. “You need to think about what happens next,” warns Colter.
Lawson slings a tied-up and gagged Chelsea over his shoulder and claims she’ll be fine if her husband returns what he stole.
Lawson calls Max, and Colter suggests Max tell him he has the statues. Lawson reveals Chelsea’s location and that he wants to meet in one hour. Colter says Max needs to meet him, and that he’s got a plan. They need to gear up at his truck, and Nate confirms he’s an expert shot.

Night’s fallen when they get to the building, and Colter has Max go over the plan before he exits the car. Nate will set up in a location where he can take down Lawson while Colter retrieves Chelsea and gets her to safety.
Colter takes Barkley by the leash and silently gets into position as Lawson arrives. Max pulls up in front of him, and Colter has Barkley stay while Max walks toward Lawson carrying the bag of statues. Max asks for proof Chelsea’s okay before he hands it over, and as they argue about who’s handing what over first, Colter looks in the back of Lawson’s truck.
Lawson shoots Max in the arm, and Nate fires one shot and kills Lawson as Lawson’s about to shoot Max again. Unfortunately, Chelsea wasn’t in the truck and they don’t know where she is. However, Chelsea’s scarf is in the truck and Colter has Barkley track the scent. Barkley runs into the building, nose to the ground and occasionally barking to ensure Colter follows.
Barkley stops in front of a door and Colter forces it open. Inside is a container where Lawson placed Chelsea. Colter assures her he’s there to help and that Max is fine.
Cops and an ambulance arrive at the scene, and Chelsea’s fine. She hugs her hubby and Nate, and they all thank Colter. Chelsea and Max also pet Barkley before Colter and the dog he was hired to retrieve leave the scene.
Morning dawns and Colter delivers a very tail-waggly Barkley home to Aiden and his mom. Aiden hands over his birthday money and Colter says, “What if we call it a favor amongst friends? Maybe save some of that money, buy your mom something nice?” suggests Colter. Aiden smiles and agrees.
They thank him and Colter’s happy to get Barkley back where he’s loved. He hands over a new tag with just the phone number and not the address to keep them safer. Aiden wonders if Barkley got his name from barking a lot, and Colter suggests that maybe he’s named after Charles Barkley. Aiden doesn’t recognize the name at all, and Colter thinks that’s tragic.
Episode seven ends with Colter putting in a surprise appearance at Reenie’s new office after saying he didn’t have time this trip. He hugs Reenie and Velma, and is happy they bought him a dashcam. Reenie’s shocked he didn’t already own one since he’s Mr. Prepared.
- Tracker Season 2 Episode 1 “Out of the Past” Recap
- Tracker Season 2 Episode 2 “Ontological Shock” Recap
- Tracker Season 2 Episode 3 “Bloodlines” Recap
- Tracker Season 2 Episode 4 “Noble Rot” Recap
- Tracker Season 2 Episode 5 “Preternatural” Recap
- Tracker Season 2 Episode 6 “Trust Fall” Recap
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