Wynonna Earp: Vengeance – Emily Andras Interview on What Earpers Can Expect

Wynonna Earp Vengeance Poster

Wynonna Earp series creator Emily Andras revisits Wynonna, Doc, Waverly, and Nicole’s world in Wynonna Earp: Vengeance. The follow-up film to the crazily addictive series checks in on the lives of all the key players after giving them their happy endings in the season four finale.

#Earpers remain just as dedicated to the series now as they were three years ago when the finale aired. No one wanted to say goodbye then, and social media was flooded with fans thrilled to see where Andras is going to take the story when Vengeance was announced.

During roundtable interviews at the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con, Andras teased what’s in store when the film starring Melanie Scrofano, Tim Rozon, Dom Provost-Chalkley, and Katherine Barrell streams on Tubi on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Wynonna Earp: Vengeance Emily Andras Interview

When did you start thinking about doing a film?

Emily Andras: “I was lucky enough to get something on the series which is incredibly rare, which is the chance to write an ending…a happy ending, right? That’s so rare because you’re always chasing that renewal. So that was more intimidating than anything, to be honest. And what a conundrum to be like, ‘Well, I kind of already gave them the fairy tale ending, and now I gotta shake it up.’

But you know, once I kind of reckoned with the fact that it had been a couple of years, I was like, ‘Well, we should tell that story about getting older and maturing and what happens after happily ever after and how there’s different ways to be happy.’ And look, that’s not a story that we tell that often so that kind of clicked together. And I think that really helped for all of us with the cast to be like let’s just be who we are now and tell that story.”

What was it like for you going from writing for cable to writing for a streaming service where there’s a lot more freedom?

Emily Andras: “I mean, yeah, I know so many f**ks. (Laughing) The f**ks have been released – the box of f**ks, finally. Yes, I’ve been waiting for it. All my f**ks. But I mean Tubi was so great. They were really honestly like, ‘There’s nothing you can’t do.’ The list is very minimal, and I pushed it, just so you all know.

I will be honest. I’ve always felt fairly supported on Earp to tell the stories I wanted. We’ve told queer storylines. We’ve told feminist storylines. We’ve really told storylines that I feel like maybe other networks would balk at, but by the time everyone figured out we were doing it, it was too late. We did it, baby!

But Tubi has been so supportive, they were so excited. I think they really didn’t know what the fandom would be like, and I know, buckle up, right? But they’ve been so delighted. Like, we all know in this time of fragmented television how hard it is to get loyal audiences, for people to show up, to kind of fall in love with something. So, it was great. It’s been such a positive experience. So, let’s do it again!

How about Wynonna Tahiti? Can we? I’m just saying, I don’t mind the sexy, sexy winter, guys, but let’s manifest that, yeah?”

So you have more stories to tell?

Emily Andras: “Yes, tons. And I will say the more I dug down, the more I was like, ‘Oh, my god, there’s so much more to unpack here. There’s so much more new road to ride,’ so to speak. But especially I would say it’s definitely a satisfying story, what we’ve done with Vengeance. And the most important thing is that if you are a hardcore fan, there’s so many Easter eggs for you, so many fun cameos, so many jokes, inside jokes. But also, Tubi really wanted us to make sure that we were going to reach a new audience. You do not need to have a map of the mythology to just show up.

You’re like, ‘That girl’s sexy, she’s a demon hunter, and off we go. It’s gonna be a fun ride.’ So, I feel like we really walked that tightrope really well. But it is a satisfying story with a good ending, but in typically Emily Andras style, yes, you’re gonna want more. I’m going to hear about it on social media and we’re going to exploit that to get you more.”

Wynonna Earp Vengeance Poster
Poster for Tubi’s ‘Wynonna Earp: Vengeance’

Can you talk about the sisterhood and how you were inspired to write this?

Emily Andras: “I have always said I think for all the love stories, and we’ve done some really good ones on the show, the sisters is the true love story. And I think these people who maybe grew up with a dysfunctional family, maybe some borderline abuse or what have you, rediscovering each other as adults and you know following those themes which is one of my favorite themes to write about which is you do not have to be who society or your family or a small town tells you you are, you can always become who you were meant to be. I get choked up, but like that, to me, is the sisters. You’ve seen it through Waverly’s journey, through Wynonna’s journey, that they have grown into the people they want to be and choose to be, and they accept one another.

So, yes, it doesn’t mean there’s not going to be conflict, though. I don’t know if any of you all have sisters, but it happens sometimes. But again, like, not to toot our own horn, but one thing about Wynonna, I think we did, which I love too, which we told stories that weren’t always told – like pregnancy, feminism, stuff like that. So now we have people getting a little bit older, these superheroes, basically, getting a little bit older and a little more mature and making different decisions. Still looking very hot. If you’ve seen them, they’re doing just fine. But I would love to tell that story. You know what I mean? If you give me Wynonna Earp Golden Girls edition, I’ll sign up.”

And that’s the importance of telling stories set after the happily ever after.

Emily Andras: “I know. What happens when the cat bursts in the middle of the night and you haven’t paid the mortgage, and you’ve got to deal with taxes or a sick parents? And I mean, I still think, too, there can be romance in those moments, right? Like, my father always told me this: It’s not kind of the good moments, it’s the tough moments where you come together and you figure out how you’re going to be a couple and what that’s going to look like. So, look, there’s still lots of sexiness in the show, I promise. These people are all very hot for each other, but I’m very interested in that, in the romance, and maybe giving permission for people you love to change. I think that that’s a really interesting theme as well.”

What were the challenges in making sure you didn’t slip back into old storytelling while making Wynonna Earp: Vengeance?

Emily Andras: “That’s such a great question, and I think that’s one of the challenges because you need conflict in the story, right? You do. People think they want Wayhaught sitting on the couch 24-7. Actually, you don’t. All the tough times are going to make the good times sweeter, right? So, I did have to kind of push myself to make sure that these were conflicts or arguments or fights or what have you, obstacles that we hadn’t seen before. But just by virtue of the fact that these characters did share such a rich history, knew each other well, but also have maybe been apart for a while now, right? Like maybe Purgatory that Wynonna and Doc are coming back to is not the Purgatory she left. Wayhaught have been kind of being domestic, and what does that look like? And is everybody happy at home at where their lives are?

I think there’s lots of very real grown-up problems we could talk about and challenges. But at the same time, we got demons sexy demons, baby, coming in, so that’s always fun too.”

Is there anyone you can tease that’s going to show up and shock the audience?

Emily Andras: “I don’t know about shock, but we have a very fun villain for the special. They are phenomenal. They are, first of all, they have incredible hair, which Wynonna is very threatened by. But also, I think maybe someone that Wynonna doesn’t see coming, something that a little bit maybe touches on who she used to be versus who she is now, and really challenges, I would say, her idea of how she sees herself now as a hero, which is very fresh. Plus, she’s a badass, so look out.”

When the series ended, it appeared Doc and Wynonna were off to see Alice. What happens with that storyline?

Emily Andras: “Oh, the Alice question, yes. Well, TBD, but we’re very aware that this is a huge part of Doc and Wynonna’s journey, right? All of this being said, I’m always careful to say I’m very proud of the decision they made to give up the baby. Just because I don’t think that’s a story you see that often. That Wynonna was not ready to be a mother. She loved this child so much that she knew that it had to be raised by someone else. I still think when you’re a demon hunter, it’s hard to, you know, raise a kid. But I would say there may be some Alice shadings in the special. We shall see. We certainly haven’t forgotten about that little one. How about that?”

How old would she be?

Emily Andras: “She could be 500, she could be two. You’ll have to see.”

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