Season two episode seven of HBO’s House of the Dragon finds Queen Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne edging closer to reality with the addition of new dragonriders. Jace might not be pleased with the development, but his mother knows her plan to unseat the usurper doesn’t stand a chance without additional firepower from above.
And now on to the recap – spoilers ahead!.
Queen Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) and Syrax land near Addam of Hull (Clinton Liberty) and Seasmoke, and she stares him down. Rhaenyra demands to know what Addam wants of a Targaryen dragon, and he responds, “To learn the ways of dragonriders.” He bends the knee and reveals he intends to serve his Queen.
Both Rhaenyra and Syrax approach, and Seasmoke takes up a protective position behind his rider. Addam assures Rhaenyra that the dragon came to him; he didn’t seek it out. He may be lowborn, but he’s served House Velaryon and will not refuse the gods when they call him to greater things.
Rhaenyra, now just feet away, asks about his parentage. Addam’s mom was a shipwright, but he doesn’t reveal his father’s name. Rhaenyra’s confused and asks about his Targaryen ancestors, and Addam claims not to know. Rhaenyra relaxes and smiles, admitting he has done what she thought was impossible.
Rhaenyra’s council learns their Queen was unharmed and that the rider is a shipwright in Lord Corlys’ employ. The council is stunned and suggests this lowborn seized a dragon and is a thief. They want him arrested and are shocked to learn Rhaenyra wants him treated as a guest and taught about dragonriders. He’s also to be taught High Valyrian. Lord Corlys, the newly named Hand of the Queen, insists they’ll wait for Rhaenyra’s explanation before passing judgment.
Instead of attending the council meeting, Rhaenyra consults with Mysaria (Sonoya Mizuno). The Queen’s certain they’ll find other riders now and believes Addam must have Targaryen blood. She trusts him and, more importantly, needs him. The Queen’s excited about finding more possible dragonriders in her research, and Mysaria laughs. She thinks Rhaenyra would be better off looking for illegitimate children who would not appear in the books. Mysaria admits she knows of many that were born to whores, and some could even be here on Dragonstone.
Rhaenyra seems uncertain, but Mysaria firmly believes the lowborn might be more willing to serve her than even the highborn. Mysaria correctly points out that “a common shipwright vows to serve you while your brothers seek to destroy you.” Rhaenyra needs to adapt to this change. Highborn aren’t more honorable than the lowborn.
Rhaenyra considers this and replies, “Well then, let us raise an army of bastards.”
Addam is looking around his new accommodations when Lord Corlys pops in. He asks to be relieved as a shipwright, and Lord Corlys immediately grants it. Neither address the elephant in the room.
Over at King’s Landing, Queen Dowager Alicent (Olivia Cooke) is sulking after being cast aside. No longer in a position of power, Alicent tells Ser Rickard she wants to visit the Kingswood without an entourage.
Prince Regent Aemond has ordered the guards who accompanied his mother and Queen Helaena to be sent to the Wall for starting a riot. Apparently, that’s a merciful decision on his part. Lord Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) is informed by Lord Jasper Wylde that Seasmoke has a rider, and Jasper wonders what he should do. Jasper believes Larys should deliver the news to curry favor with Aemond. As for the rider, Jasper suggests it could be Rhaena. Larys isn’t so sure. After learning that the news is fourth or fifth-hand, Larys thinks it’s best for Jasper to keep it to himself. It’s just a rumor at this point.
Grand Maester Orwyle (Kurt Egyiawan) helps King Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) to his feet, and Aegon cries out in incredible pain as he struggles to walk. Lord Larys, who knows what side his bread is buttered on, joins them and offers to help. Aegon screams in agony as they return him to bed. Larys insists Aegon needs to work harder and that his strength will return. Larys and the Grand Maester speak privately, and Larys tells him he needs to be more cautious. They don’t want Aemond to learn of Aegon’s progress.
Ser Rickard and Queen Alicent make camp on the road, and she admits she’s not certain she ever wants to return to the Red Keep. A short while later, Alicent walks into a lake and floats on her back.

Daemon’s Plans Come Together at Harrenhal
Ser Simon Strong (Simon Russell Beale) informs Prince Daemon (Matt Smith) that Lord Oscar Tully (Archie Barnes) has mustered the Riverlords. Daemon appears to be more himself when he addresses the new Lord Tully and offers his condolences. Lord Oscar takes his life into his own hands when he points out that Daemon’s made a mess of things by allowing atrocities to be carried out in the queen’s name. Daemon demands to know whose side House Tully is on. Lord Tully declares they will remain loyal to Queen Rhaenyra and to him, as her king consort.
Daemon takes being called king consort surprisingly well. (His mind’s definitely clear for the moment.) After being instructed to call his banners to war, Lord Tully confesses that, given his age, they may not follow his orders. That, and they all hate Daemon. Daemon doesn’t care. He needs their swords.
Daemon speaks to the Riverlords, asking them to put the recent past behind them. Lord Oscar thanks them for answering his call, and Daemon informs the ensemble that they’re there to swear their fealty to Lord Oscar and answer his call to war.
Ser Willem Blackwood (Jack Parry-Jones) speaks up, informing Lord Tully he’s delivering the traitor Amos Bracken and his son to him. Lord Tully considers this, takes in Lord Piper’s words against Daemon’s behavior and his own youth, and admits he has no love for Daemon Targaryen. Still, he needs to stand by the oath they swore to King Viserys.
Oscar calls Rhaenyra’s representative loathsome, and Daemon says he’s a king and Oscar needs to watch how he speaks. Oscar moves within inches of Daemon’s face, reminding him he needs his army to oust the usurpers. That silences Daemon and he accepts the insults. He even admits to being too enthusiastic.
The Riverlords demand justice and Willem Blackwood insists that bringing in the Brackens is justice. He places his sword at Lord Tully’s feet, and the new Lord Paramount reminds him he’s in charge of all the River Houses. Ser Strong and Daemon glance at each other as Lord Tully acknowledges Ser Blackwood carried out the barbarities because he wanted to. Lord Tully orders Willem Blackwood seized, and declares that if Daemon wants their banners, he needs to denounce his crimes and dispense justice. Ser Strong echoes what the audience is feeling when he says, “Oh dear.”
Daemon removes Willem Blackwood’s head in one swift slice. That brings on another vision, this time of his brother, gravely ill, holding his crown. Viserys confirms he never wanted the Iron Throne and reveals the crown crushes whoever wears it. He knows Daemon always wanted it and offers it to his brother. Daemon doesn’t respond.
Meanwhile, Lord Corlys (Steve Toussaint) visits Alyn of Hull (Abubakar Salim) at the docks and gives him new orders to have fishing vessels prepared at King’s Landing. The ships will need trusted men on board and they’re to wait for a message from Queen Rhaenyra. Lord Corlys breaks the news that Addam is now a dragonrider, and Rhaenyra has put out a call for others. Corlys doesn’t know Alyn’s mother’s heritage, but Velaryons aren’t dragonriders. Alyn confirms his brother was always restless, but he’s pure salt and sea. He wants nothing else.
Lady Rhaena (Phoebe Campbell) leaves the Vale with Rhaenyra’s young sons. She wistfully looks back at Lady Jayne Arryn (Amanda Collin) as the gates to the Eyrie close. When they do, Rhaena takes off running to a recently burned field.

Back at Dragonstone, Jace (Harry Collett) resists the idea of the lowborn claiming dragons, calling them mongrels. He’s upset others may lay claim to House Targaryen. That doesn’t concern Rhaenyra as they are still the rightful rulers of the Seven Kingdoms. Jace doesn’t agree, so Rhaenyra asks how he’d go about winning a bloody war without more riders. Once they win, she’ll take the throne.
Jace cuts to the chase and asks what happens when she dies. Rhaenyra assures her son that he’s her rightful heir. He’s worried since his father was Ser Harwin Strong and not Prince Velaryon. And that means his own legitimacy to succeed her relies entirely on the fact he has a dragon. But now others have potential claims to the throne. Jace thinks he’s being stripped of what makes him her heir. Rhaenyra stands before her son and cries, admitting she “dislikes all of this.” Jace also sheds a tear as he asks her to stop pursuing new dragonriders. She can’t.
Mysaria gives Allam a note and orders him to do whatever it takes to find Elinda.
Addam passes the note to a merchant at King’s Landing who gives it to the Queen’s handmaiden, currently residing among the townsfolk. Elinda makes her way through the streets, connecting with allies. Finally, news reaches Ulf (Tom Bennett) in the tavern that Rhaenyra’s looking for Targaryen bastards who could be dragonriders. Boats are ready to take anyone who thinks they have Targaryen blood to Dragonstone.
Ulf tries to pass it off as a crazy rumor, but his buddies think it’s Ulf’s chance to prove he’s a Targaryen. There are others already saying they’re ready to see if they can claim a dragon. Ulf, for all his bragging and boasting, is nervous over the prospect. He confesses he’s not sure the story about his lineage is true. His buddies are shocked that he’s been drinking for free on what might be a baseless claim. They say it’s time for him to put up or shut up.
The entire tavern toasts to Ulf the Dragonlord! That makes it impossible for him to say no.
Hugh’s wife doesn’t want him to sail to Dragonstone and instead needs him to accompany her to Tumbleton. But Hugh (Kieran Bow) is convinced he needs to confirm for himself that he has Targaryen blood. He never knew his father, but his mother worked in a brothel. She had silver hair, which made her more popular among the rich clientele. “She used to tell me she was no different from her brother’s boys Viserys and Daemon,” says Hugh. He couldn’t protect his wife or keep their daughter alive, but this opportunity means he can. If he claims a dragon, their life will be much easier.
Hugh and Ulf are among the dozen or so who make it to the boats in the dead of night. They arrive at Dragonstone and the dragonkeepers are enraged, claiming none of those assembled should be allowed to claim a dragon. Dragons are sacred and not the playthings of humans. Rhaenyra defends her position, but they walk out in protest.
Rhaenyra scans the lowborn and confesses she’s no longer certain what it takes to claim a dragon. She reminds those assembled there’s no going back if they choose this path, and that they may die. Rhaenyra swears their purpose is to end the hardships of the smallfolk, and if they can add two dragons to their side, they might end the war without further bloodshed.
Vermithor (aka The Bronze Fury) is second in size only to Vhagar and the fiercest. She leads the group into the caves and summons Vermithor. The massive creature appears, and everyone fights the urge to run as Rhaenyra orders him to remain calm. Rhaenyra carefully touches his snout, and they connect, with Vermithor settling down.
She stands before him and asks for someone to be the first to step forward. A silver-haired man makes his way through the group and Rhaenyra and her escort leave after telling the possible riders it must be the dragon that speaks.
Rhaenyra watches from an elevated position as Vermithor moves over the crowd, assessing the assembled. The first volunteer reaches out his hand and Vermithor rewards him and others nearby with a fiery death. Vermithor continues lighting the volunteers on fire as most turn and flee. Some are eaten, some are knocked off the ledge, and one man uselessly pleads for his life feet away from Vermithor’s snout. Ulf was knocked down but recovers as Vermithor continues to kill those he feels aren’t worthy of being in his presence.
Hugh remains alive and hides behind a boulder with a terrified woman. They try and sneak out, but Vermithor immediately spots them. The dragon is about to kill the woman when Hugh draws his attention. Hugh says he’s ready and the dragon moves closer. He screams, “Come on!” and Vermithor closes his mouth and settles down. Hugh approaches Vermithor and places his hand on his snout. They stare into each other’s eyes as Rhaenyra watches with bated breath.
Meanwhile, Ulf has made his way into the caves and is alone trying to escape when he encounters Silverwing. The dragon nudges him and knocks him down, but then calms down as Ulf finally opens his eyes. Ulf actually smiles as he realizes he’s not only going to live, he’s going to be a dragonrider.
The episode ends with Prince Regent Aemond’s small council informing him that Lord Ormund Hightower is threatened on two fronts by House Beesbury’s allies. The good news is that Prince Daeron’s dragon, Tessarion, has finally started flying. When Daeron joins the fight, the Hightower army will be unstoppable.
The meeting’s interrupted by cries of “dragon!” from the streets. Aemond (Tom Glynn-Carney_ steps onto the deck as Ulf and Silverwing buzz the city, with Ulf crying out in glee in the saddle. Aemond hastily rides out of the city to Vhagar and quickly mounts his dragon. Once they’re airborne and he gets a good look at the other dragon, Aemond makes the wise decision to have the still-recovering Vhagar flee.
The episode ends with Queen Rhaenyra looking fierce as she stares across the sea, three massive dragons behind her.
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