With Max’s Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, the second season of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, coming to an end with episode eight, in the wise words of Kevin McCallister from Home Alone, “This is it. Don’t get scared now!”
Picking up seconds after episode seven ended, episode eight, “Final Exam,” opens with Faran (Zaria) jumping into the pool to save Kelly (Mallory Bechtel). She briefly performs CPR and Kelly is saved! All the girls join Faran and the revived Kelly at the pool, and Kelly is grateful Faran chose to save her and not go after Bloody Rose – despite all the stuff Kelly pulled with Hell House.
Kelly doesn’t think Bloody Rose is her mom since she locked her mother in their prayer closet. The girls wonder if she somehow got out and head over to Kelly’s house to ensure her mother is indeed still locked up. She is, and it’s time for the girls to go because Kelly has a lot to discuss with her mom.
Imogen (Bailee Madison) informs her BFFs that she was at the cemetery with Dr. Sullivan, and suddenly Sullivan disappeared. Imogen found her car with rose petals covering the front seat. Noa (Maia Reficco) wonders if she was snatched by Bloody Rose and Imogen suggests either that or she is Bloody Rose. Tabby (Chandler Kinney) takes it a step further, wondering if Rose and Dr. Sullivan are teaming up. Two grieving mothers seeking revenge.
Mouse (Malia Pyles) also has something to tell them. The real Rose Waters showed up at her house. Rose was safe before the girls found her, and now she’s got crazy, obsessive teens from Spooky Spaghetti following her. Mouse ended up taking her to Crazy Joe’s train car to keep her safe. (He was in season one).
They discover Rose isn’t there, but a bed full of rose petals is. Tabby suggests someone could be “picking off” mothers, and the girls are in full panic mode to find Tabby’s mom.
Fortunately, Tabby’s mom is home, unharmed. Unfortunately, she received a bouquet of roses that she thinks are from Tabby. The roses came with a note that reads, “I love you more than life itself.”
Tabby feels the note and flowers are a clear message that her mom is a target now. Mouse thinks they should tell Tabby’s mom and Faran disagrees. They feel they can’t trust anyone but themselves.

A riot broke out at the prison where Archie Waters is being housed and several prisoners are dead. Supposedly, Archie is among those who died. Tabby and Imogen find that suspicious. Tabby’s mom thinks they should be extra cautious.
Kelly tells Imogen and Tabby she was up all night talking with her mom. Chip’s mom was brought up and Tabby informs her they haven’t seen her since their encounter at Hell House. However, she is on their list of suspects. Kelly thinks that’s good because when she told her mom about Bloody Rose, her mother’s first thought was it could it be Mrs. Langsberry. Kelly adds that when her mother tried to reach out to Mrs. Langsberry, she was a remorseless void with an awful darkness inside her.
And now it’s time to confront Mrs. Langsberry once and for all. Imogen and Tabby go to her house to return Chip’s things. Mrs. Langsberry has heard the news about Archie and is relieved. She admits she was consumed by grief and anger.
As Tabby looks around, she notices Mrs. Langsberry has roses. She says she found them on her doorstep when she got up that morning. There wasn’t a note with them. Imogen’s heard enough and feels it’s time to leave.
Noa and Jen (Ava Capri) go over what has transpired with Bloody Rose and the current list of suspects. Jen notes they are only focusing on women suspects. Jen questions how well they know Tabby and Imogen’s new boyfriends, stating they just showed up out of nowhere. And Christian makes horror masks. (Why is she bringing them into this?)
The BFFs meet up at school and Imogen fills the rest of the friends in on Mrs. Langsberry. Mouse says Spooky Spaghetti is on fire about the riot, claiming this is a sign they have been waiting for and that it’s almost time for the reckoning.
They’re interrupted by the principal who hits them with bad news. They all failed their Keystone Practice Exam. He doesn’t want to hear their sob stories. If they pass, they move forward. End of discussion.
Tabby thinks it’s time to buckle down and get their significant others to help them study. Noa takes the opportunity to suggest maybe adding Johnny and Christian to the suspect list. And, of course, Tabby and Imogen are taken aback by that. Tabby brings up Jen as a possible suspect, and Noa defensively tells them Jen saved her from Bloody Rose. The girls are getting slightly heated as they go back and forth about their current and past significant others possibly being on the list.
After arguing with each other, Tabby reminds them that they are all in this together. She suggests that maybe they should do a little investigating on their boyfriends.
Tabby calls a theater that Christian said he worked at. The guy on the other end says Christian Peele doesn’t ring familiar.
Imogen’s approach to questioning Johnny (Antonio Cipriano) isn’t as smooth. After asking who he is texting, and getting the response, “No one,” she wonders if he is keeping options open for other girls. She wants his phone, and it shows the last person he texted was her. Imogen checks his browser history to no avail. Johnny knows she has been through a lot but asks that she please believe him. He would never do anything to hurt her.
Mouse jumps on Spooky Spaghetti and comes across a post that reads: “Here are teasers of what’s to come. What we’ve been working towards.” Mouse opens a video, and to her shock and horror, it’s a compilation video of Bloody Rose killing all of her victims. At the end of the video, it reads, “The Reckoning is NOW.”
Imogen opens the freezer at work to get ice cream and discovers dead bodies. She confronts Johnny with a pipe wrench and accuses him of being a murderer. As Johnny comes closer, she strikes him on the head, knocking him out. She drags him to the freezer and locks him in.
Tabby heads down into Christian’s basement to look through his things. She finds the mask that looks like Imogen’s mom that Bloody Rose wore. As Tabby heads upstairs, she’s met by Bloody Rose with a butcher knife. Bloody Rose causes Tabby to fall down the stairs and lose consciousness.
The girls, minus Tabby, meet at Mouse’s. Imogen tells them about the bodies she found. They notice Tabby isn’t there just as Mouse receives a call from her tech teacher. The servers for Spooky Spaghetti are housed at the Orpheum Movie Theater.
The girls confront Christian (Noah Alexander Gerry) at the Orpheum. He claims he doesn’t know what they are talking about, and that he also can’t get ahold of Tabby.
Tabby wakes up locked in a confessional. “Confess your sins” is written on the inside. She slides open the confessional door and sees the real Rose Waters, bloody and dead.
Christian takes the girls upstairs at the Orpheum where the theater’s internet servers are kept. Meanwhile, Tabby escapes the confessional and sees scary masks on top of poles, lined up in church pews as if they’re attending a service. The now-dead Pastor Malachi is also in the church. There are drawings all over the wall of what each girl went through during their tests by Bloody Rose.
The girls and Christian find a note from Bloody Rose to check out her movie in screening room three.
Tabby soon finds herself surrounded by several people in scary masks. A and Bloody Rose are there as well.
The girls and Christian check out the screening room and discover it’s a livestream showing what’s happening to Tabby. …Pause for dramatic effect… And now we learn the identity of Bloody Rose. It’s Chip’s mom, Mrs. Langsberry. The person dressed as A is Tabby’s old boss, Wes (Derek Klena). He says he’s making a movie … well, livestreaming one. Wes tells Tabby that if she confesses and tells Mrs. Langsberry what she wants to hear, she can walk away.
Faran recognizes the room and says it’s Kelly’s church. As the girls run out to try and save Tabby, they are met by people in masks standing in their way. The masked mob (Bloody Rose’s proxies) breaks in and the girls, plus Christian, retreat to the screening room and lock themselves in.
Instead of confessing, Tabby doubles down and says Chip raped her and Imogen. He got what he had coming to him. Bloody Rose begins to freak out and Wes stops her from stabbing Tabby. Tabby’s going to die but not quite yet.
The girls escape out a back door while Christian tries to keep the mob from breaking into the screening room.
Tabby asks Wes why he is doing this. He explains that he became close with Mrs. Langsberry after Chip died. Ultimately, they opened up to each other. Wes says he and Chip talked about making a movie once. A flashback shows Wes describing the movie to Chip, explaining he thought it would be great to kill someone in real life and livestream it so people could watch. Which is exactly what he’s doing right now.
It turns out Wes is not only a murderer but is a racist as well, whining about how doors don’t open up for white guys like him anymore, but they do open up for “people like her.”
He set up Spooky Spaghetti and used it to recruit a cast. Wes wants people to know he is the one who did all this. Apparently, being a murderer is the only way for him to become famous.
The girls steal a car to get to Tabby as she keeps Wes busy talking about what he has done, including setting up her boyfriend and killing Tabby’s friends. Wes thinks this will all benefit Tabby as well because she will be talked about forever. Tabby warns him that she’ll never give him what he wants – tears, screams, and her fear. She won’t give him the final girl performance that he wants for his “f**ked-up, sh*tty joke of a movie.”
Wes thinks she needs motivation and shows her a video of her mom at home and people with knives outside, waiting.
Tabby makes her move, jumping out of a window and making a run for it. The loyal followers give chase, and of course, they’re wearing cameras to continue the livestream. Tabby begins to take them all out, one by one.
Tabby fakes Wes out by making him think she went into a cabin.
The girls can’t find anyone in the church. Suddenly, Bloody Rose pops up with her knife. Faran knocks her out.
Tabby confronts Wes with a pitchfork and when he taunts her, claiming she won’t do anything with it, she stabs him. The girls find Tabby and then see Wes who appears to be dead. But just like in nearly every horror film, he wakes up and scares the girls. Imogen knocks him out. Minutes later, they find a tied-up Dr. Sullivan (Annabeth Gish).

Two Weeks Later
The girls retake their exam and then have a session with Dr. Sullivan. Tabby and Christian are all good, but Johnny and Imogen broke up. It was his decision, obviously. Wes and Mrs. Langsberry were arrested along with their loyal followers who joined them in terrorizing the girls. Spooky Spaghetti has been shut down.
They decide they no longer need group therapy. Dr. Sullivan suggests they do something nice for themselves while waiting for their test results.
And that something nice is…matching tattoos of FGE – “Final Girl Energy.” Even Kelly gets one.
The girls pass their exam, and Imogen asks Tabby if she is still going to make her film. Tabby believes she is done with Archie Waters and Bloody Rose. Her new idea has bigger, badder villains.
Cue the girls in masks walking down the school’s hallways.
Aw, but of course there’s a plot twist. Dr. Sullivan’s book about the girls is about to be published but her editor tells her during a phone call that she needs the girls to sign off on it first. She claims they will because they are narcissists. Just then, the lights go out, and guess who shows up? None other than A himself. Dr. Sullivan asks him if he killed her son, begging him to tell her the truth. A doesn’t answer. Instead, he repeatedly stabs her.
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 1 “SpookySpaghetti.com” Recap
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 2 “Summer Lovin” Recap
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 3 “Sweet Sixteen” Recap
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 4 “When a Stranger Calls Back” Recap
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 5 “Friday the 13th” Recap
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 6 “Hell House” Recap
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Episode 7 “The Bogeyman” Recap
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