Paramount+’s Mayor of Kingstown season three episode four opens with the city on lockdown. Cops are searching for the two white males responsible for setting off bombs outside the police station.
Ian (Hugh Dillon) is busy beating a man he suspects had something to do with the bombs as the radio alerts officers that the men are suspected of being armed and dangerous. Over at the station, Mike (Jeremy Renner) arrives and Kyle (Taylor Handley) reveals two of the burner phones didn’t set off bombs. The burners received the calls to activate but failed, which is great news for the cops. They were able to retrieve the number that called to activate the bombs.
The call came from John York who’s with the Aryan Brotherhood. The bomb squad guy says this signature is different than the bombs at Mariam’s funeral.
The parking lot clears out when a call goes out for immediate backup and the SWAT team. Suspects have been spotted, and Bunny (Tobi Bamtefa) and the Crips cheer as the description is confirmed to be white males.
Robert’s SWAT guys roll up to a gas station and bust open the bathroom door. There’s a man inside holding a gun, and Robert (Hamish Allan-Headley) gives the order to drop the weapon but doesn’t give the guy time to respond. Robert shoots the suspect multiple times. Mike hears the shots and is upset that Robert failed to keep him alive. He could have been useful.
Mike pays a visit to Warden Kareem Moore (Michael Beach) and finds him blasting music in his garage while working out. Kareem’s in a perpetual bad mood, so he’s definitely not happy to see Mike. Mike fills him in on the latest bombing, which Kareem knew nothing about. Kareem reluctantly agrees to let Mike in to see Callahan at the prison.

Count Callahan (Richard Brake) among those unhappy to see Mike this morning. They reminisce about old times … well, Callahan reminisces while Mike would rather cut straight to the chase. Mike explains that one of Callahan’s AB guys was just shot dead by SWAT after a bombing. He asks Callahan for the name of the second suspect and Callahan tries to make a deal. Callahan will find out the name if Mike gets him put back in general population for the day. Mike agrees to give him six hours.
Mike’s next stop is at the diner for a meeting with Ian, Stevie (Derek Webster), Robert, and Kyle. Ian didn’t know Callahan was back in Kingstown, and Mike hopes that they can find someone to say Callahan ordered the bombing. That way he can be locked up in I-MAX, away from any of his AB gang.
Mike says Callahan blamed the attack on Gunner, but they know that’s not true. Mike warns Robert that they need to bring in the remaining suspect alive to get him to name Callahan. Robert’s insulted that Mike thinks he needs to be specifically called out.
Over at Anchor Bay, Callahan orders one of his men to get him a phone. It’ll be difficult right now, but Callahan doesn’t care. He needs to contact the outside ASAP.
Warden Moore tells the guards that since there’s madness outside the walls, he’s shutting down all visitations and phone calls until it’s resolved. He also wants all the cells turned and anything that can be used to communicate with the outside confiscated. Carney (Lane Garrison) suggests they just lock the prison down, but Kareem calls that “idiotic.” The inmates didn’t bomb KPD; they don’t need additional rights taken away now.
Privately, the new guard who’s been reporting everything to Bunny tells Kareem that he thinks he saw the CO working the X-rays let an employee in with contraband. Kareem warns him that it’s important to report these things if he’s 100% sure but shouldn’t seek it out. He’ll alienate his fellow guards and if he’s ever in trouble, they won’t come to his aid.
Mike attends Anna Fletcher’s arraignment on the charges of killing the man who murdered her son. She admits to doing it, and the judge formally asks how she pleads. She pleads guilty. Mike steps outside to speak with DA Evelyn Foley (Necar Zadegan) and explains why he’s involved. Evelyn points out Anna shot a man six times in front of lots of witnesses. There’s not much she can do. Sentencing guidelines aren’t flexible. It’ll be life without parole.
Mike suggests that she change the charge to second-degree manslaughter, but Evelyn won’t. There’s just too much going on on the streets right now, and Mike admits he doesn’t know if it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Ian calls Mike with the news that the second suspect has been spotted after stealing a car. Ian and Stevie are headed out, and other cops are also on it. Mike points out the suspect’s location is in Crips territory.
Kareem informs Callahan, who’s casually reading a book in the library, that his six hours in gen pop are almost over. Callahan doesn’t seem to care and claims he sent out feelers. Something will turn up soon.
Cops are hot on the suspect and his getaway accomplice’s tail when their car rams into a pole. Mike asks Ian to hold the suspect there for him, and Ian reminds him there will be press present since this is a big-deal chase.
Both suspects flee the scene and Kyle joins the chase on foot, while radioing in his location.
The Crips have been listening to the radio chatter, and Bunny sends a few guys out to keep their eyes on the situation.
Ian, Stevie, and Kyle chase the driver (who’s out on parole) into an alley and don’t see any weapons. Kyle approaches the man, against Ian’s advice, and speaks calmly to the suspect. Kyle instructs him to get down on his knees as the man screams that he was just giving his buddy a ride. Kyle promises to make the grand theft charge go away if he helps the cops.
Kyle’s promise works and the man takes a knee just as Robert’s SWAT guys pull up. Kyle places him in cuffs without any trouble.

However, the suspect they really want is now deep in the heart of Crips territory. Bunny calls Mike and says, “I’ve got something that belongs to you, Mike.” Strangely, the scene switches from late afternoon to deep in the night as Mike pulls up at Bunny’s headquarters. (Mike was less than 10 minutes away when his phone rang.)
Bunny has the suspect tied up and insists the man failed to comply. Bunny is perfectly fine with Mike questioning the guy and then taking him away. However, he wants Mike to let the cops know that he caught the suspect for them.
Mike introduces himself and asks who called in the order. The man claims it came from on high but got to him second or third hand. He’s a soldier for the AB and won’t give up any names. Eight of his guys were just barbecued by SWAT, and he’s ready to die, too, if he needs to.
The man goes off on a racist tirade, saying Mike got what he had coming because he’s friends with Black people. The AB was justified in shooting up his house and bombing his mom’s funeral. Mike loses it and grabs the suspect, demanding to know the shotcaller. Mike attempts to get him to say Merle Callahan but the guy won’t. And worse, he claims Merle Callahan did a lot for Mike and now Mike’s ready to turn on him.
Mike ends the argument by pushing the guy off the roof.
Robert, Ian, and the guys are unwinding at a bar, drinking and playing pool, when Robert asks if Ian noticed how Kyle stepped up today. Ian’s in no mood to talk shop but agrees. Robert wanders over to Kyle to discuss what went down during the arrest and warns him never to approach a suspect like that again unless he knows for sure the man’s unarmed. Still, it’s obvious Robert didn’t know Kyle had it in him and that he’s impressed.
Mike speaks to Callahan and says the guy they were after ended up in the Crips neighborhood. Mike claims the Crips threw him off a three-story building, and that he didn’t give up any names before he died.
Later, Mike has a sit-down with Callahan at the prison. Apparently, Callahan is going to be allowed back in gen pop, and Mike claims to be ready to work with him to keep the peace. Callahan calls his predecessor, Gunner, a “roided out punk” who made questionable moves. Mike says he was put in place to even things out. Callahan wants assurances that Mike will pick up when he calls and do favors when he’s asked.
Callahan reminds Mike that he helped him survive inside, and Mike concedes that he respects their shared history. He also confirms he’ll answer Callahan’s calls.
Episode four ends with Konstantin at an orgy. He receives a call from Callahan and assures him they’ll do great things together.
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