Los Angeles working-class tenants protest, allege abuses by K3 Holdings real estate company

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Working-class tenants from across Los Angeles held an impassioned protest outside the Beverly Hills offices of K3 Holdings Saturday.

The real estate company owns over 60 rent-controlled buildings in L.A., and is at the center of a host of controversies involving tenants’ rights abuses.

Demonstrators brought attention to what they call K3’s many predatory practices, allegedly using coercion, lies, and even threatening deportation to evict longtime tenants.

The protestors also accuse K3 of exposing tenants to rats, roaches, flooding, toxic mold, malfunctioning elevators and nonexistent trash pickup.

“We have demands. No more unjust evictions or displacement or any form of harassment, and trying to get us to move out,” said Sam Trinh, who is a tenant at one of K3’s buildings. “And just to have a safe and habitable home. I feel like every human deserves that.”

Protestors say the ultimate goal once tenants have been evicted is to conduct superficial repairs, then re-rent the units to wealthier tenants at much higher prices.

K3 has not responded to ABC7’s requests for comment.

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