‘Bachelorette’ Katie speeds things up with Blake, deepens connections with others

NEW YORK — Blake joined the rest of the men in the house to vie for Katie’s heart on “The Bachelorette!” You had to know, this was not going to be easy for anyone. Kaitlyn warned Katie that when she brought Nick Viall on her season of “The Bachelorette” the guys were not happy with her and the ones she was closest with, were upset with her. Tayshia met with the group of guys first to tell them that Blake would be moving in. She told them it was someone that she knew, and the guys tried to figure out which man from Tayshia’s season it might be. The guys were worried about the connection since Katie met him and decided to have him join the show.

Blake walked in and said, “What’s going on guys?” They all just sat and stared at him. He told them that he knows exactly how they feel and that they don’t want to see him there. “I don’t like the tension already,” Blake said. He told them the only reason he was there is that it is because it’s Katie and he feels there could be something there. A date card arrived and read, “Blake, Let’s make up for lost time, love Katie.”

“This is the best-case scenario for me, but am I deserving compared to you guys, probably not,” Blake said as he tried to keep the peace. This date just made the bullseye on his back even bigger.

1-on-1 Date with Blake
Katie showed up and asked how everyone was and no one would say a word. She asked them how they all felt about it. She told them that she didn’t know him well and that he sent her a one-line DM saying that she did a great job on her season of “The Bachelor” but that she never pursued it. She said that when Tayshia introduced him to her the other day, she felt chemistry and she needed to see it through.

Blake and Katie walked up to a pair of horses and Blake admitted to her that he’s always been afraid of horses! They rode around in the desert and talked about the first time they met and Blake did his best to get to know her. He asked her about her life and he talked about how he advocates for wildlife and travels to Africa. Blake said he feels like their lives are aligned already. After they sat down to talk, Katie told Blake that things are natural and fun with him and that he checks all the boxes. He told her that she gives him butterflies. Then they kissed! “OK, you’re a good kisser too! Check!” Katie said.

That evening, Blake and Katie talked about how she’s sex-positive and how there’s more to it than just the fun stuff. She shared the story we heard earlier this season about how someone she considered a friend raped her when she had been drinking at a New Year’s Eve party 10 years ago. She said that she pursued that man aggressively so that she could prove that what happened wasn’t what it was. She said it created an unhealthy cycle in her life. She decided to part ways, look at what really happened, and now she’s more comfortable talking about what healthy sex is. Blake told her how sorry he was that she went through that. He said he had a new appreciation for her. Blake promised to be very, very mindful of that topic and said that although he’s very sex-positive he never wants her to be scared of him in any way.

Katie said that they talked about deep topics and there were no awkward pauses. She said without a doubt, she made the right decision. Katie offered him the date rose and he accepted! He’s here to stay, at least another week, and probably longer unless something crazy happens. They spent the last part of their date dancing to Laine Hardy, you might remember him from “American Idol.” “‘Memorize You’ was the perfect song to dance to with Blake,” she said. “I could see myself walking away with Blake at the end of this, there I said it!”

Group Date
“Greg, Quartney, Aaron, Mike P, Michael A., Andrew M, Josh, Justin, Brendan, James, Connor B., Tre, Hunter, Love is a battlefield,” the date card read. That meant that Andrew S. would be getting the other 1-on-1 date. They met up on a big open field to play bashball – a rugby basketball combo. Wells and Franco from “The Bachelor” franchise were there to give the play-by-play of the game. They wore some pretty ridiculous spandex outfits and Michael was worried about his dad bod. He looked fine though! The red team took on the black team and the guys were fierce!

Hunter slammed into Mike P. That set off a series of really brutal tackles amongst all the men. Michael got slammed by Justin and he felt terrible. Michael got the wind knocked out of him and it took him a bit to be able to get back up again. Justin immediately came over to apologize and Katie said, “Good job guys, we’re not playing anymore.” She said the black team actually won, but the fact that the guys all played their hardest they would all be going to the cocktail party.

She grabbed Michael to talk first at the cocktail party. Katie gave him a bag of ice as a joke to the massive hit he took during the game earlier. She told him she was very emotional seeing him get hit. He said that he had a bit of a hard time because his wife’s birthday was the day before. Katie told him that she knows there’s something special between them and he asked if he could kiss her. “You can kiss me all you want!” she told him.

Connor played a song he wrote for Katie on the ukulele. She loved it so much she teared up!

Meantime, Aaron is annoyed at Hunter and how aggressive he is acting. Quartney had a really fun time, and Mike had his first kiss with her finally. But Hunter, he wanted to keep things serious. He spoke to her about introducing her to his children and pulled out some photos to show her. Katie cried seeing him with his children. She loved how proud he was of his children. They kissed and Hunter felt that he really set himself apart.

Michael revealed to the group that he was widowed. Greg told him that he can’t believe how positive he is as a person and just admires him. It brought all of the men to tears and they put their arms around him and gave him some support. It was just what he needed. He told the other men that they are on earth for a finite amount of time and you need to not waste it.

That pushed Greg to step things up with Katie. She told him that he seemed a bit off and he had resting sad face earlier. He promised to be “better” at being around the other men and not being jealous. Katie said that one of her biggest fears is him wanting to leave and Greg promised that he would stay no matter what.

In the end, she decided to give her group date rose to Hunter! Greg and Michael were crushed. Aaron thinks Hunter is more two-faced than ever and he wants to make sure Katie sees it.

1-on-1 with Andrew S.
“Let’s find our way to love,” Katie wrote on his date card. The sun went down and Katie arrived, at last, carrying some lanterns. They went for a walk in the woods where they found a plug and when they plugged in the cords the forest lit up! They found a series of envelopes that had them show off their dance moves, talked about their likes and dislikes, and they shared a lot of laughs and kisses! They seem to have a really fun and romantic connection. They continued getting to know each other in an area filled with glowing balloons and balls! It was really an amazing setting.

Later, they sat down to talk about their pasts and what they both want for the future. Andrew spoke about how his father was locked up when he was six and he said he really missed out on having him around. He said he couldn’t understand even after, how his father wouldn’t want to be around for him. He said that his children will be all that matters to him and there’s not a chance in the world that he would miss out on their lives. Katie said that she agrees in that she wants a healthy marriage and a forever love. They are on the same page and Andrew says that he’s all in on this experience. He brought up the fact that he’s Black and she’s white. An ex-girlfriend was worried about having children that wouldn’t look like her, he said she’s not racist, but it’s a real experience. Katie cried and said that it breaks her heart that he experienced that. She says that she doesn’t care about the color of her children’s skin because their children would be a representation of their beautiful love. Then, they got in their bathing suits and drank champagne in a hot tub! Katie offered Andrew the date rose and he said, “Yes!” He’s another man that Katie says she could see herself getting engaged to!

Cocktail Party
Katie kicked things off with a toast where she told the men that she sees her husband in the room! Justin took out a get to know you game from his pocket. They had a cute time together.

Hunter took Katie for a long walk to talk, and the other guys were upset because he already has a rose. Hunter took her to his telescope so they could see the stars. You can’t blame him! He even poured her a glass of champagne and had strawberries.

James was sick of waiting, he went over to get some time with Katie and interrupted Hunter. Hunter would not relinquish his time though. James stood waiting on the sidewalk and hovering over their time. James interrupted again and took off with Katie. Hunter said that he was determined to get that time back. James told Katie that he has feelings for her and they grow every day. He got a kiss, so it looks like stealing her away worked.

Hunter walked over to where James, Tre, and Aaron were sitting. James told Hunter that he has a rose and it was rude to have an elaborate setup on a night where so many don’t. Hunter said that he is focused on Katie so he doesn’t care that he broke a bro-code.

Rose Ceremony
1) Blake (one-on-one date)
2) Hunter (group date)
3) Andrew S. (one-on-one date)
4) Greg
5) Aaron
6) Michael A.
7) Connor
8) James
9) Justin
10) Mike P.
11) Brendan
12) Tre

That meant that the other Andrew M., Quartney, and Josh were eliminated.

Preview of the rest of this season

This season, Katie’s connections deepen with several of the men…but wait there’s a knock at the door – who else could show up? It looks like Michael might need to go home to his son, and Katie has a breakdown because things are going to get significantly harder! Will it all be for nothing or will Katie end up engaged?

ALSO READ: Check out the men vying for ‘Bachelorette’ Katie’s heart

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