After two days of travel by air, the pups are dog-tired. But life is about to get a whole lot better for them now that they are back on firm ground in Los Angeles.
Melissa Bacelar is the woman behind the rescues. Her Wag More Pet Rescue is intent on saving as many dogs as possible.
“We are getting seven dogs off the streets of Thailand, bringing them to the United States, and finding them homes,” said Bacelar.
She wanted to help because Thailand has thousands of street dogs and many end up being slaughtered for food.
“The dogs on the street often end up in different meat markets in the area; they’re just dying on the streets,” said Bacelar. “So it’s important to get them out of there and find them homes.”
And these dogs should have no trouble finding those homes.
“They are coming into the U.S. ready to be adopted, fully vaccinated, ready to go,” said Bacelar.
From the streets of Thailand to a home in America, and a lifetime as someone’s best friend, it’s hard to imagine a luckier seven than this bunch.
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